Planning Consulting

Planning Application - East Herts
After having two planning applications and two subsequent appeals rejected by E. Herts Council. I am looking for an expert to approach a new planning application with fresh ideas.
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I Need A Template Designer
I am working with a team to create a report of recommendations for accessibility on an outdoor trail being constructed by the Chesterfield County Parks and Recreation Department. We are looking to hire someone with a quick turnaround time to format our large document into an organized and aesthetically pleasing report. I will attach a drafted sample of what would be included in this document (Note that the document is unfinished, and links will be converted to PDFs in an…
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Oxygen Advanced Sports Education
Responsable de gestionar el proyecto, coordinando los diferentes participantes, controlando el presupuesto y organizando las fechas del proyecto.
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Standard Of Work Procedures Summarise It
Standard job procedures been written in details. What is the job requirements : Write the steps by means the action ( each action must be in one step ) Remove a detailed Explanations for each step or any information that is not an action Equation been applied in column D in task : it is used for counting letters + space maximum allowable is 40 Capital letter for first word in each step Submit a sample to make sure that…
Full Description of Standard of work procedures summarise it
Standard Of Work Procedures Summarise It -- 2
Standard job procedures been written in details. What is the job requirements : Write the steps by means the action ( each action must be in one step ) Remove a detailed Explanations for each step or any information that is not an action Equation been applied in column D in task : it is used for counting letters + space maximum allowable is 40 Capital letter for first word in each step Submit a sample to make sure that…
Full Description of Standard of work procedures summarise it -- 2
Front Porch Extension
I have made a planning application to Leicester CC for the extension to my porch from 900m to 2000m. The purpose is to allow better access for my parents and their mobility requirements both current and future. The planning authority have refused the application as its incongruous to the street scene without considering that a property only 50m away has successful extended their porch. My property is detached and at the end of a cul-de-sac adjacent to a grass verge…
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Market Research
We require a company to undertake market research activities. To be considered, for the next stage of this project, please provide examples of: 1. Previous market research projects 2. How you manage online research 3. How you manage in-person research (eg. workshops)
Full Description of Market Research
Draft A Project Plan Proposal For Website Development For A Fictional Company -
Hello Freelancers! I am looking for someone to draft a project proposal plan for website development for a fictional company. No actual work on a website is required or necessary - only the project proposal to do so. WordPress is the platform that should be referenced for the website development plan, but other than that there are not any specific requirements for this request. Examples of sections that would ideally be included - Introduction, project overview, project scope, project charter,…
Full Description of Draft a project plan proposal for website development…
Draft A Project Plan Proposal For Website Development For A Fictional Company - -- 2
Hello Freelancers! I am looking for someone to draft a project proposal plan for website development for a fictional company. No actual work on a website is required or necessary - only the project proposal to do so. WordPress is the platform that should be referenced for the website development plan, but other than that there are not any specific requirements for this request. Examples of sections that would ideally be included - Introduction, project overview, project scope, project charter,…
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Plan A 5 Day Nature Getaway In Europe
I love getaways to unique places with my girlfriend and our now 7 month old baby. But I don't enjoy researching and planning them. I'm hoping we can find someone with passion for trip planning to explore destination and accommodation options for us. The ingredients of our dream autumn getaway: TRAVELLING - Max 10 hours driving from Silkeborg 8600, Denmark - Leave on 16th of October - Return on 21th or 22nd of October - Night ferries are also an…
Full Description of Plan a 5 day nature getaway in Europe
Create Masterplan For Hotel Pod Development
Create a masterplan for a 5.2-acre site with lake frontage using a modular hotel unit, like shown here; Would like to get clusters of 6-8 units around an inner fire ring and area. Looking to do close to 100 units total. With internal circulation. Needs to look similar to this quality;
Full Description of Create Masterplan for Hotel Pod Development
I Need A Planning Consultant
Harrow council wants to build a 4 story building against our boundary (please see letter from the council, attached). What we are looking for is someone that can help us during the initial phase - submission comments on the proposal - and later on if it is relevant and they are going ahead with planning permission is to submit a formal objection to the application.
Full Description of I need a planning consultant
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