Public Sector and Taxation

Personalsachbearbeiter In Potsdam
- Ab Anfang Juli suchen wir Unterstützung in der Personalsachbearbeitung - befristet bis Ende August/September, ggf. länger - Gern 30 Std. / Woche - Wichtig vor allem Unterstützung in der Vertragserstellung und Gehaltsabrechnung und gern praktische Erfahrungen mit Lohnthemen - kein remote möglich, Einsatz vor Ort in Babelsberg - Vorstellungsgespräche kurzfristig möglich - Standort: Potsdam Babelsberg (Weberpark) - Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe
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Intuit Tax Education Software
Please i need you to check the documents i will attach regarding student taxation and then after filling the tax situations online, you will write 2 pages memo or letter.
Full Description of Intuit tax education software
Intuit Tax Education Software -- 2
Please i need you to check the documents i will attach regarding student taxation and then after filling the tax situations online, you will write 2 pages memo or letter.
Full Description of Intuit tax education software -- 2
Trust Deed Format Required For Establishing A Gaushala Trust In Gujarat
I want to Establish public Charitable trust having purpose of Gaushala in Gujarat region. I want to get the Format for Trust Deed either in English Language or Gujarati Language. Provide the Sample Document in your Bid.
Full Description of Trust Deed Format required for Establishing A Gaushala…
Write Blogs Related To Accounting
I want someone to write 10 Blog articles for me, all topics are related to Accounting and Taxation! Those writers having accounting background are only preferable.
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Writing Article On Accounting, Business And Investment And Tax -- 2
Writing article on Accounting, Business and investment and Tax in US-Canada Cross Border and Canada Tax for personal and corporate and everything on general in Tax foreign, immigrant moving and internal Taxation rules and development
Full Description of Writing article on Accounting, Business and investment and…
Curso Sobre Ley General De Telecomunicaciones
Necesito terminar un curso, hay que entrar a los contenidos para que los marque como "estudiados" y luego hacer unos tests de evaluación. Ley General de Telecomunicaciones de España.
Full Description of Curso sobre Ley General de Telecomunicaciones
Growth Hacker
I am looking for a growth hacker to get users onto my food app platform. Must be based on U.S.
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Media Relations
I need a public relations professional to design and implement a medial campaign.
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