Batch Script Add Folder And Subfolder To Visual Source Safe 2005

$ 10.00 — 30.00 USD
I have a list of files I want to add by Batch Script.

Take for example one is:

project_dir/nextdir/moredir/test.txt I then want to add this into VSS, originally I tried

ss Add "project_dir/nextdir/moredir/test.txt" in this case Nextdir and moredir not exsits and i have create it.

The problem with this is this adds the file "test.txt" to whatever directory I have set as my "working directory" when actually I want my working directory and file directory to mirror.
So whereas I have

$/SS_Project/test.txt I want

$/SS_Project/project_dir/nextdir/moredir/test.txt Is there anyway of doing this without first using "ss cp /SS_Project/project_dir/nextdir/moredir/test.txt"

Thank you for any help

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