Motor Control

Engineering Feasibility Study
Need electrical engineering/mechanical engineering/ software programming/fabrication feasibility study to determine the projected costs of producing an invention. It involves sophisticated software controlled stepped motors or actuators and mechanics.
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Es un prototipo de fermentador en donde tengo que poner a funcionar una serie de sensores necesito el programa o el sistema que los controle
Full Description of Fermentador
Arduino Servo Simple Project
Need a quick software to rotate clockwise and counter clockwise based on sensor feedback
Full Description of Arduino Servo simple project
Need Arduino Expert
I have 3 motors and 4 actuators that I want to connect remotely using the mobile app. I need you to provide an API for that. I need ARDUINO & ARDUINO WIFI module so that ARDUINO will connect to the internet. I need a server that will be connected to the app.
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Indirect Field Oriented Control
Hi, I hope your very well. I need someone who can calculate PID and PI controllers for the loops and set the inverter. I need everything in Matlab/Simulink (2018a) and place every step of calculus in a word file. The model it's already done, It just need what I already explained.
Full Description of Indirect Field Oriented Control
I Need Help With Indirect Field Oriented Control
Hi, I hope your very well. I need someone who can teach me and guide me to calculate PID and PI controllers for the loops and set the inverter. I need everything in Matlab/Simulink (2018a) The model it's already done, It just need what someone who can help me to do what I already explained.
Full Description of I need help with Indirect Field Oriented Control
Field Oriented Control For Induction Motor
Hi, I hope your very well. I need someone who can teach me and guide me to calculate PID and PI controllers for the loops and set the inverter. I need everything in Matlab/Simulink (2018a) The model it's already done, It just need what someone who can help me to do what I already explained.
Full Description of Field Oriented Control for Induction Motor
Field Oriented Control For Induction Motor -- 2
Hi, I hope your very well. I need someone who can teach me and guide me to calculate PID and PI controllers for the loops and set the inverter. I need everything in Matlab/Simulink (2018a) The model it's already done, It just need what someone who can help me to do what I already explained.
Full Description of Field Oriented Control for Induction Motor -- 2
Indirect Field Oriented Control Of Induction Motor Tutor
I need someone who can teach me and guide me to calculate PID and PI controllers for the loops and set the inverter. I need everything in Matlab/Simulink (2018a) The model it's already done, It just need what someone who can help me to do what I already explained.
Full Description of Indirect Field Oriented Control of Induction Motor tutor
Control Vectorial Indirecto Para Motor De Inducción Tutor
Hola, espero te encuentres bien. Necesito una persona que pueda explicarme y guiarme a sintonizar los controladores PI y PID de los lazos de control de velocidad y corriente de mi sistema y también el inversor de corrientes. Ya poseo el sistema montado en simulink solo necesito que me explique lo anteriormente expuesto.
Full Description of Control vectorial indirecto para motor de inducción tutor
Konzept Steuerung / Zeitschaltuhr Für Rc Servo
Mit Hilfe einer Zeitschaltuhr soll ein RC Servo angesteuert werden. Die Zeitschaltuhr muss für den Endkunden einfach programmierbar sein. Ich benötige ein Konzept sowie Hilfe bei Umsetzung des Projektes. Ich erwarte als Ergebnis konkret kaufbare Bauteile mit Quellangaben. Da dies später in Kleinserie gehen wird, muss die Steuerung sehr kostengünstig sein. Anfragen nur in deutsch! Mehr Details gerne im Chat. Gruß, Thomas
Full Description of Konzept Steuerung / Zeitschaltuhr für RC Servo
Python Gui Developer With Raspberry Pi
The project is to develop a gui on python and also to communicate the same with raspberry pi card and servo motor. The person is needed until the project is completed.
Full Description of Python Gui Developer with raspberry pi
Python Gui Builder With Communication With Raspberry Pi And Servo Motor
The project is to develop a gui on python and also to communicate the same with raspberry pi card and servo motor. The person is needed until the project is completed.
Full Description of Python Gui Builder with communication with Raspberry Pi…
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