
i want emb file for wilcom make this desine and send me .
Full Description of Embroidery
Design Me An Embroidery Pattern
- Create the pattern based on Starry night. Do it as detailed as possible please. - Write instructions, and take progress pictures to match the instructions. e.g. 'tracing the pattern', ' half way through', and 'finishing touches. - Embroider the pattern. - Take 10 high quality instagram and product photos. Have good lighting and a crafts background.
Full Description of design me an embroidery pattern
Generate 7 Embroidery Files From Svg File, Export In .xxx/.pes
Dear Freelancers we have a Singer Quantum Stylist and need seven embroidery files. It is important for you to know that we have a unprofessional open source software to generate files (https://inkstitch.org/de/). However, the quality of these generated embroidery files is too poor for stitching. This is why we require a freelancer to generate embroidery files that have high quality for best possible stitching results. What is your task? - Please generate 7 stitching files (you will receive sizes and…
Full Description of Generate 7 embroidery files from SVG file, export…
Generate 7 Embroidery Files From Svg File, Export In .xxx
Dear Freelancers we have a Singer Quantum Stylist and need seven embroidery files. It is important for you to know that we have a unprofessional open source software to generate files (https://inkstitch.org/de/). However, the quality of these generated embroidery files is too poor for stitching. This is why we require a freelancer to generate embroidery files that have high quality for best possible stitching results. What is your task? - Please generate 7 stitching files (you will receive sizes and…
Full Description of Generate 7 embroidery files from SVG file, export…
Sewing Expert, Designer, Tailor, Boutique Person
This is a hiring for a small business. If you know you've designs that need to be out there, we need you to stay by our side without being killed for work. Only an example figure in the bar. You definitely might land homemade tea, food, music and jokes along and more. You must love designing, Stitching and other things you know we need. Thank you.
Full Description of Sewing expert, designer, tailor, boutique person
Sewing Expert
I am looking for someone to make two aprons and we would like our logo embroidered on it
Full Description of Sewing expert
Intricate Designer T Shirt Sewing , Regular Work
Hi there, I contacting from Julian Capper sartorial, I'm a fledgling high end designer looking to establish my store and start my brand asap. I have designs in place and prototypes that I've had made, and the brand has been a long time in the making.  Due to the nature of the designs i will need a seamstress to stitch to the t shirts. I will also have other garments that I will be adding to the range soon after.…
Full Description of Intricate designer T shirt sewing , regular work
Linen Napkin Embroidery
For my upcoming wedding in February I need 140 napkins embroidered with guests names. See attached picture. Napkins will be provided. Must be machine embroidery.
Full Description of Linen Napkin Embroidery
A Dst File For Embroidery Of My Logo
I want a detailed dst file of my logo Every stitch should be properly, resulting in proper embroidery of my logo
Full Description of A dst file for embroidery of my logo
Ladies Suite Designs
Required expert to create indian and Pakistani ladies suite design. Embroidery Sequencing Cording work (dori) All designs will be with these mentioned works. 180 to 200 design required newly created No copies from other brand After approval all design should be send in actual size in EMB format. Deadline 5 designs per day.
Full Description of Ladies suite designs
Surana Export
I am looking for a free-lance fashion designer to help in creating ethnics collection for the Western European market. The garments will be made in 100% natural organic fibers and use India’s crafts heritage like Lehriya, Bhandhej etc. The brand goal is to promote India’s long craftsmanship textile heritage using premium fabric with modern cloths style.
Full Description of Surana export
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