I Need A Disengage A My Home

ā‚¹ 750.00 — 1,250.00 INR
I need someone to copy information from some websites.

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Researching Contact Details And Collecting Information
We are looking for an experienced video/content researcher/social media researcher to build a listing of the contact details of social media art and craft video creators. You will also need to communicate with the video owners and must record their comments/approvals/responses. You must also have good communication skills and must be able to follow the brief. We will provide the email response to use. This is an initial phase of the project and it has huge potential to grow in…
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Big Data Paper
Need an expert in big data and statistics to write a paper to be published in ISI journal. Need the following: 1. Write a full journal paper with 4000 -6000 words about the analyzed data 2. minimum 12 references 3. Well written Cover letter 4. Well written abstract statement 5. Clear written problem statement 6. Edit the paper after the language center review before submitting to journal 7. Suggested related (aim and scope) ISI journals to the paper
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Hi, I'm here posting the work. I'm looking for a perfect freelancer to work on the code and documentation. I'm here attaching the basic introduction of the project. I'll attach my proposal for further discussion. The code should be written in python programming language and the document should contain 50 pages of work with a minimum of 45-50 references. I can also attach the sample document if you need it. Below I had written the basic introduction of the project.…
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Participants For The Psychology Experiment
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Outlets Store Finder Scraping
I want number of outlets per country for a total 29 eye-wear brands, below template to be filled. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zv2TsFSewDy0wxBXvfkCo-jN8XDzs7kZ/edit#gid=3122301 I need per brand and country the number of stores. Information should be scrapped from the web store finders. Budget - 600 Rupees
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Japanese Research Project
We are in need of a Japanese native speaker (you must speak and write in Japanese) to research the ageing care market within Japan. We need a native Japanese speaker to be able to: Cover the landscape (category) of the healthcare market Who are the largest ageing care providers in the Kanto region? Who are the largest external providers of ageing care (in home care treatment) in the Kanto region? Light overview of trends or challenges in the healthcare market…
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Statistics Research Paper
I want a research paper to be completed following in 12 hours. Data-Set will be provided for this: Research paper has to be 10-12 pages. APA 7 Guidelines shall apply for reporting of results. Paper should have the following structure: 1. Relevance (1 Page) 2. Research Question and Hypotheses (four hypotheses) (1 Page) 3. Explanation and Justification of Selected Statistical Tests (3 Pages) 4. Results including APA-Tables and APA-Figures (3-5 Pages) 5. Conclusion (2 Pages)
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Virtual Assistant Needed
Responsibilities may include the following. Exhibit high standards, excellent communication skills, and have an ability to take initiative, and prioritize daily tasks. A strong ability to take charge and meet tight deadlines will ensure your success in this multifaceted role. Researching the internet for needed Contact informationĀ  Initiating and setting up interviews for Similar podcasts, Blog Sites, YouTube channels. Helping to create presentation materials on a daily basis Completing Market Research Proofreading and providing edits for copy and other materials…
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Organization Study Project -- 2
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Understand The Application Of Theories, Principles And Models Of Communication In Education And Training.
Understand the application of theories, principles and models of communication in education and training. 2.1 Analyse theories, principles and models of communication 2.2 Explain ways in which theories, principles and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment The student should complete an essay analysing major theories, principles and models of communication. They should move on to discuss ways in which theories, principles and models of communication can be applied to teaching, learning and assessment. (400 words…
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