Remove Restrictions From My Facebook Page Or Create A New Page And Merge

£ 20.00 — 250.00 GBP
Hi, we have an existing Facebook page which currently has 39000 followers.
It serves the Pashtu speaking community.
Unfortunately our page has had restrictions placed on it by Facebook as we have used too high levels of non original content.
My partner's brother in Kabul has been responsible for much of these postings as he hasn't really been able to understand the Facebook protocols.

I have appealed online without success so we are looking for support to make a successful appeal to have the restrictions removed.
Failing that we understand that it is possible to create a 'duplicate' page and merge the existing page into it which will remove the restrictions.
I am told the followers from the existing page are moved seamlessly to the new page.
I have also been told this is not the case! This process is outside our skills set and we don't have the time to complete the necessary learnings so are looking for someone to; a) appeal, b) create a duplicate page and c) merge (hopefully keeping our followers or with a strategy to attract the majority of them to manually follow the new page. Going forward we have strategy to ensure we don't find ourselves in the same position again.
Thanks for your time Nigel

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