Romanian Translator

English French English Interpretation!.
Hello!! We are looking for French English French translator for business communication between us and our business partner using Zoom meetings. We have business partner, who is not good with English and we are zero speaking French. To facilitate our communication, we need someone who is great at both English and French. Need someone on 28th of June for two hours. We need two of them. If this goes well, we can have more orders for you. Please come up…
Full Description of English French English Interpretation!.
Bardejov Convention
URGENT! We are looking for Bardejov native speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - Any source language; - Bardejov native language This job is already available.
Full Description of Bardejov Convention
Budapest Convention
URGENT! We are looking for Budapest native speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - any source language; - Budapest native language This job is already available.
Full Description of Budapest Convention
English Romanian
Hi there we are looking forward into hiring an expert freelancer. Who can help use translate some images Hi there we are looking forward into hiring an expert freelancer. Who can help use translate some image.
Full Description of English Romanian
Multiple Language Translation
We are required to translate 20-30 images of English words to multiple languages someone is required to assist in translating to his native language, Agencies are not allowed to bid
Full Description of Multiple language translation
Calarasi Translator
We are required to translate 20-30 images of English words to calarasi languages someone is required to assist in translating to his native language, Agencies are not allowed to bid
Full Description of Calarasi translator
Bazau Translator
We are required to translate 20-30 images of English words to Romanian languages someone is required to assist in translating to his native language, Agencies are not allowed to bid
Full Description of Bazau translator
Romanian<>english Translators Available Now
We have projects available for the translators and proofreaders of the above language pairs. Maximum offered rate $0.015 / $0.0075 per word, $4 per hour, but lower quotes will have preference. Business / legal expertise preferred. Please quote for 1000 words. Short sample will be required. No machine translation allowed - this will be strictly enforced; no payment will be made in case of violation. While bidding, please clearly state your native language and languages in which you offer your…
Full Description of Romanian<>English translators available now
Scriere Articole - Spoturi Led
Salut, Am nevoie de 10 articole, cu tema "spoturi led" . Articolele sa aiba minim 500 de cuvinte, sa fie corecte, fara greseli gramaticale. Va rog sa ca bidul sa fie pentru toate 10 articolele si sa includeti in bid si termenul de finalizare.
Full Description of Scriere articole - Spoturi LED
Serbian Convention
URGENT! We are looking for Serbian native speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - any source language; - Serbian native language This job is already available.
Full Description of Serbian Convention
Romanian Convention
URGENT! We are looking for Romania native speakers for our project translations. Requirements: - any source language; - Romanian native language This job is already available.
Full Description of Romanian convention
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