Personal Shopper Yokohama Japan. August 25th-August 30th

$ 250.00 — 750.00 AUD
Needing 1 young individual to attend the Japan Philanippon 2021 stamp show in Yokohama.
Must be available on all dates August 25th-August 30th.
Must be able to do solid research on the event before attending.
Must be able to speak English.
Must be able to pick up a collection of stamps, limited edition, special releases, signed stamps.
Must be willing to stand in potentially large lines.
Must be able to get to the venue.
Have access to transportation. (At your own cost)

Payment of ¥4000 will be given to the individual per day.
This payment is just for your time to attend the stamp show on my behalf and make purchases on my behalf.

In addition you will be given a daily allowance (additional ¥) to make stamp purchases on my behalf.

Please note this is not a per hour job.
Job takes as long as it takes.
Example - lines to purchase certain rare stamps may be long.
Expect to spend anywhere from 1hour-4hours at the show per day depending on the day.
First 2 days may spend 4 hours, last 4 days may spend less than 1 hour.
Will not know until they release a daily schedule.

Higher chance of being awarded the task if you have completed research before you place an offer. (Example-knowing what rare stamps will be available to purchase at the show each day).
Also higher chance of potentially asking for a higher award if the research is good.

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