SENIORS ONLY. Code Review And Coaching. VueJS, API - 60 USD

$ 30.00 — 250.00 USD
I recently applied for an intermediate level of Front-End Dev position in Europe.

Upon submitting my technical knowledge assessment task :

Which is an application done by the task description attached in a PDF to this project, I have received the following response:

"In terms of detailed feedback, the team really enjoyed meeting with you and from the personal perspective they think you would be a good fit, however from the technical side, there were few points that disqualified you

- data validation was missing or was not properly implemented,

- there was improper use of comments, and

- coding style was inconsistent and not appropriate. "

I would like to go through these points with a Senior Dev and dig to the roots of the problems, because I really have to understand my faults.

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