
Change In .net Project
I would like to work on a continuous basis doing changes and development in .NET, Blazor, C#, EF, SQL server based project
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Html/css For Blazor Website (no Javascript)
- You will write only Html and Css code based on already designed pages (screens attached) to exactly match that design - You will have to adapt or re-write existing html/css of the existing web Blazor application without affecting its behavior in any way - As shown in the screenshots, there two views/sizes to be implemented in a responsive way: desktop + mobile - You will only do HTML/CSS but you should know Blazor and MS Visual Studio basics -…
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Radar Ui 2.0
We're small software company looking to improve the UI of an existing server side Blazor app that makes frequent use of Syncfusion components. We're looking for is a reusable UI design that we could incorporate into the existing app, but also modify and manipulate as we continue to develop. Our app is highly configurable and dynamic meaning that many data elements are optional.
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Consultoria Em Blazor
Desenvolvi um aplicativo PWA com Blazor e preciso do seguinte: • que seja atualizado automaticamente quando eu faço o deploy, ou seja, deixe de usar o cache • fazer a instalação no celular e PC automaticamente (gerar o icon na tela do celular e PC)
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Convert A C# Winforms Data Display App To Blazor / Maui
We have an internal risk tool written on windows forms which has several live grid views displaying real time risk information for our firm. This is written as a client server application in C# and the client is a windows forms app. With the advent of Blazor / Maui, I am looking for someone to port this to Maui and make it work on Windows/Mac/Linux/Web/iPhone/Android. I have uploaded a simple animated gif showing the app function.
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Blazor Server Side Multitenant Invoicing.
Need a developer to develop an invoicing system online in Blazor server side with multitenants management in separate DB. The project is to be developed with Blazor server side, EF and Microsoft migrations. The template can be the syncfusion project template or maybe other (open to sugestions). There will be a dozen basic tables, plus customers, invoices (headers and lines), receipts and accounting, Invoice prints, Reports and some charts analysis.
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Simple Crud In Net Core
Hello, I am overloaded with work and I need some help to make simple CRUD for 6 tables in MySQL on a Blazor Server App Net Core project, if you have time we can work, the project is already advanced and working well. It's simple, just scaffold CRUD pages of tables already created in MySQL and make them work with the generated models, if you are a master in C# (razor) can make it in a few hours. There are…
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Need A Developer To Develop A Small Wpf And Blazor Ui Based Dual Face Application -- 2
Hello, I have a small (8/10 pages) result processing application for the medical students built on vb 6.0 and mssql 2012. Now I want to convert it to WPF and Blazor dual face application using .Net core 5 frameworks. The following requirements need to be fulfilled. 1. Specialty needs to use IdentityServer4 for user creation, authorization, and authentication. 2. A 2/3 page ((After login only marks entry option will be available on the web) blazor server/web assembly application will run…
Full Description of Need a developer to develop a small WPF…
Una Hora De Asesoria En Razor
Tenemos un sistema con un nugget que hace consultas asyncrónicas y obtiene Task y Dictionaries, tenemos un problema de tipos porque salta un error que no se puede convertir de Void a String, y necesito solucionar ese asunto, en conjunto podemos en una hora resolver este tema. Solo expertos en C# y Razor.
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One Hour Of Consulting On Advanced C#
We have a system with a nugget that makes asynchronous queries and gets Task and Dictionaries, we have a type problem because of an error that cannot be converted from Void to String , and I need to solve that issue, together we can solve this issue in an hour. C# and Razor experts only.
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Saas Sports Management Platform
Experience with the following tech stacks: .NET engineer Blazer experience Web Application PWA Web APIs I'm looking for someone who can help me build a SaaS Sports Management platform. I have a prototype that I'm building and I can help with breaking down the stories to make it more consumable for devs. REQUIRED: If you have experience in Sports Management consumer/admin apps, OR you have a passion for sports (any sports). I'm looking for someone who is going to be…
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New Feaures And Fixed Pages To Complete Login
We need add features our page. our page was build with blazor, net6 with SQLServer control user, add ABC institutions.
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Create Sample Project - Record Mic And Speaker Audio To Single File.
We need a freelancer that has experience with recording audio from Mic and Speaker in a web browser app. We want you to create a proof of concept / sample project that demonstrates how to record both the Speaker and Mic at the same time into a single file from a browser app. We use VS2019 and Blazor WASM. That is our preference for you to create the sample app. However we are happy for it to be in .net…
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Aad Blazor
Set Azure active directory for blazor server side and wasm
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