
Poker Hand - Elixir Programming
Write a program that deals two 2-card poker hands and a shared five card pool (the flop/turn/river for those who know these poker terms) according to the rules of Texas Holdem poker. Your program will determine the winning hand and return it. I have half implemented file. Need to complete it
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Very Basic Social Network Clone With Phoenix And Postgresql
I need to develop a very basic twitterclone with phoenix, ecto and postgresql. The work is started, we have to implement some more functionalities. The project is very basic and does not need CSS editing, it will work with gitlab.
Require Senior Software Developer
Datakrew is an innovative deep technology company with strong roots in IoT, AI & data security founded by industry veterans and PhDs. We are headquartered in Singapore, with regional offices in Bangalore and Pune. We are venture-backed by leading investors from Japan, Singapore, the USA, and India. At Datakrew, we are building a no-code IoT platform with the tools for companies to develop, deploy and manage omnichannel enterprise IoT solutions rapidly i.e., within 48 hours! Secure and robust IoT solutions…
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Projeto Elixir Para Fins Educacionais
Estou desenvolvendo um webscraping lendo um api rest, e preciso fazer um sort dessa api manualmente, sem usar o sort da linguagem e entregar a tabela pronta também numa api rest, como atividade de aprendizado e preciso de um help. Já tenho bastante coisa pronta, preciso de alguém que me ajude a solucionar o que falta.
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Flutter Developer Wanted
For our video management platform, we want to build an app with Flutter for both Android and IOS. The app should be as simple as possible. It has to allow users to: - use the camera to record video - give the videos names - view recorded videos - delete recorded videos - Connect their device with the account in our database by using our Elixir and Phoenix API. The user can just enter a 5 digit code which is…
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Elixir + Ember.js : Fix Some Bugs + Add Some Feature
Search isn't working well in the front end. Need to add a user, some fields in form & database etc.
Full Description of Elixir + Ember.js : Fix some bugs +…
Server Side Developer/api -elixir
We are on the outlook for a developer with expertise in Elixir. We are not looking for an agency. A freelancer in an independent capacity will be our priority.
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Elixir, Elm Full-stack Developer
Need a full-stack Elixir / Elm developer familiar with Phoenix for a real estate listings website. The app is currently built and running, so you'd need to become familiar with the codebase and begin working on projects as provided by the product team. Please describe your experience with Elm/Elixir
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Elixir Developer
This is an opportunity for a Senior Elixir Engineer to join a leading Blockchain company and work remotely. Your role will be building out a state-of-the-art Blockchain platform. We are looking for an Elixir Developer who could work with tech and product teams to deliver industry-leading features. The developer will collaborate with the technical architect and non-technical team. He will be responsible for the full-stack development, including user interactions, developing server and database for website functionality. Maintainance of operations portal…
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Elixir Developer
I am looking for a candidate to deal with Elixir development on permanent basis with the project in California.
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Discord Alarm System
Need a discord alarm bot that is desktop and mobile-friendly. The alarm will be configured to certain rooms. The alarm will have a certain noise associated with it. The alarm cannot have lag or be delayed. The alarm will also have the first 3 lines of the message contents showing and will remain on screen for 10 seconds. windows discord+iphone
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Convert Erlang Files To Json
I have 80,000+ "metadata.config" files. They appear to be written in some kind of Erlang data serialization format. I need a tool to convert them into JSON. Here's a sample file: {,}. {,[]}. {, }. {,>}. {, [,, , ,, ,, ,,, ,,]}. {,[]}. {, [{,}, {,}]}. {,[]}. {,}. {, [[{,}, {,},…
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Add More Features To A Portal B2b Platform
Hello i am looking for some extra help on a portal for a B2B wholesale platform, already created and already working with invite only...The person or team need to be very very good in clojure and elixir please !!!!!All works very well, but we will need to add more on the platform such as : 1- cosmetic work on the web design adjust column and rectangle sizes etc... 2-add different menu for apparel and accessories with drop down menu and…
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