
Silent Installer For Browsers Extension.
Hi. As the project name say I need a silent installer for browsers extension. I mean an app that when I run it will install in background (silent mode) my extension for the most used browsers and not show alert/messages to user when app is installing the extension and not show alert/messages once extension installed. I mean avoid messages like "an external app installed an extension" or something like that. All will work in silent mode. Point requireds in the…
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Chrome Extension Website
I'm in need of a freelancer who can build a chrome extension for my website, with past work you've done before. Thanks
Built Tool Auto Creat Acc Facebook By Selenium Firefox Webdriever -- 3
- Automatically create a series of different firefoxprofiles, can fake useragent and attach different private proxy - Automatically create facebook account verify yourself with api phone and api mail
Full Description of Built tool auto creat acc facebook by selenium…
Firefox Extension To Copy Data From Aw Ebsite And Send To A Mysql Db
I need a Firefox (v68) extension for personal use that would do the following: Read a flag from a mysql DB and depending on the flag value will read a specific html element from a website and send it back to the mysql DB. The DB is hosted on a remote server The script should be customisable to adjust the element that is copied, also the script should work on one site only (whitelisted). The extension is for personal use…
Full Description of Firefox Extension to copy data from aw ebsite…
Chrome Extension
Hi. I need chrome extension that will inform me imediatelly if someone will make a post on twitter. For example if Elon Musks posts something on twitter the extension has to send me an email with this tweet , (it can easly and fast send emails thanks to ) can you make it if yes whats the cost and delivery time? of course i understand that with this extension my pc has to be running 24/7 and google chrome…
Full Description of Chrome extension
Chrome Extension
Hi. I need chrome extension that will inform me imediatelly if someone will make a post on twitter. For example if Elon Musks posts something on twitter the extension has to send me an email with this tweet , (it can easly and fast send emails thanks to ) can you make it if yes whats the cost and delivery time? of course i understand that with this extension my pc has to be running 24/7 and google chrome…
Full Description of Chrome extension
Chrome Extension Developer Required To Send Message On Linkedin -- 2
We have a chrome extension already built and just want to add one feature to send a message in automated format. So there will be textarea to write a message which will be sent to the users. Budget is tight; it's not upto 250$.
Full Description of Chrome extension developer required to send message on…
Chrome Extension Developer Required To Send Message On Linkedin
We have a chrome extension already built and just want to add one feature to send a message in automated format. So there will be textarea to write a message which will be sent to the users.
Full Description of Chrome extension developer required to send message on…
Chome Browser Extention
I use an ext for chrome called tackker and it is very good at auto recording my work thru the day - i then back it up and have a great tool that helps me not lose any data . I also can use it to monitor staff work levels by the amount of entries it accumulates. Can anyone help with linking to remote users and getting updates in real time and data collection from multiple workstations?
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Google Chrome Extension
Im looking to build or white label a chrome extension exactly like
Google Chrome Extension Developer Needed
I am here again for hiring chrome extension developer for my project. candidate should have intensive experience in chrome extension developing. cheers on bidding.
Full Description of google chrome extension developer needed
Google Chrome Extension Developer Needed -- 2
I am here again for hiring chrome extension developer for my project. candidate should have intensive experience in chrome extension developing. cheers on bidding.
Full Description of google chrome extension developer needed -- 2
Front Running Uniswap Software
I would like for someone to create a front-running software based on the Ethereum Blockchain with different contracts address that I could enter (Metamask, uniswap pool essentially). I would like to have it as a as a chrome Extension. The Software would essentially: - Scan the blockchain and find transactions based on certain criteria (pending on the block aka mempool). - Front-run (specific trade volumes, slippage and gas price) transactions by placing a buy order on the same block at…
Full Description of Front Running Uniswap software
I Would Like For Someone To Create A Front-running Software Based On The Ethereum Blockchain With Different Contracts Address That I Could Enter (metamask, Uniswap Pool Essentially).
I would like for someone to create a front-running software based on the Ethereum Blockchain with different contracts address that I could enter (Metamask, uniswap pool essentially). I would like to have it as a as a chrome Extension. The Software would essentially: - Scan the blockchain and find transactions based on certain criteria (pending on the block aka mempool). - Front-run (specific trade volumes, slippage and gas price) transactions by placing a buy order on the same block at…
Full Description of I would like for someone to create a…
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