
Hugo Static Site Project
Need help creating a static website using the Hugo static site generator - there will be some dynamic data too.
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Add Random Post To Hugo Theme
I need you to add random post section to this theme. Random post similar to this site
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Html Design To Hugo Template
Hello, I have finished HTML design and need to convert it into usable Hugo website theme. Website is relatively small, its personal website design.
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Create A Subscription Form For Website
Create a subscribe form for a blog website. The form template should be reusable and be used in 3 different places: The home page, at the end of the blog post and a separate page just for subscribe. The page should follow the website's current theme. The website is static and the form submit action should point to an external URL. Once the user submits the form in the URL, it should validate whether it is an email and once…
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Customizing An Hugo Template
Hi, I have a very simple html webpage and i will need to apply html/css/js to an existing Hugo theme : -All functionnality of that existing theme should work same -Theme should be EXACTLY the same as my webpage (except for the comment part because it use Disqus ) To avoid bot, please start offer message with "hi su !"
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Implement Graphic Design And Webdesign
We are looking forward to create a new website. We would like it in a similar styling as is. We are already in touch with someone who is able to create the neccessary illustrations needed for that website. We would not like to get the website implemented with joomla, wordpress or any other dynamic CMS. We would like ot use the HUGO framework for the website: Please only apply if you feel yourself capable and safe with the…
Full Description of Implement Graphic Design and Webdesign - Support-page Template - Need Modification For Index.html And A Scrollable Side-menu
We already have a Hugo.IO based project wich creates our Documentations. i need a optimized START-PAGE (Overview and add FAQ) and on left side menu a scrollable Pane.
Full Description of Hugo.IO - Support-Page Template - need modification for…
Create 5 Pages With Hugo
I need someone to create several pages with Hugo. 1-I'll provide a website to copy data and how pages should look like 2-You'll create the same pages on Hugo 3-My needs are five pages: About, Contact, Services, Blog, Home
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Build Me A Website
small software business looking for designer and builder for a static Hugo site. Must be able to provide live examples of previous work.
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Hugo Developer - Help With Building A Custom Theme
We're building an online open-access simulation platform that allows citizens and policy makers to simulate the impact of public policy reforms in a matter of seconds. For a part of our web interface, we're looking for help to develop a custom Hugo theme, and some bits of JavaScript.
Full Description of Hugo developer - help with building a custom…
Hugo Based Website
I need a Hugo theme based on existing and/or fully customised that meets the following requirements; - Dark theme e.g. black background white text/images/buttons/etc - Super fast, e.g. minimal junk to load and 80+ page speed insights - Will be served from AWS - Cloudfront for CDN and content stored in S3 - I will handle the AWS config you just need it running in Hugo (localhost) and build - Must have GDPR compliant cookie consent that asks permission before…
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