Office Add-ins

Convert Microsoft Outlook Add-in Using Ews Calls To Have Outlook Mobile Capability
We have an existing Outlook Web add-in that forwards emails as attachments or calls an API depending on email header information. This currently uses the older Microsoft EWS calls but we need these changing to the newer RESTful (or maybe even Graph) calls so that it's compatible with Microsoft Outlook Mobile. The add-in needs to continue to be compatible with on-premise Exchange 2013 (or greater) and also Microsoft 365, for web Outlook, desktop Outlook and Mobile Outlook (iOS/Android).
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Create An Installer For Excel Xlam + Advice To Migrate To Vsto
1) Show me how to create an installer for Excel XLAM so I can provide this to clients for them to install to their desktop (Windows and Mac). Using Inno installer or another free alternative. 2) Explain to me the benefits of using VSTO and the route forward to convert from an XLAM. (Possibly do this part over a zoom call)
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Convert Excel Xlsm Sheet To Vsto Add-in
Details of the spreadsheet will be shared with bidders as applicable For now - Please just register initial interest. Initially small project. with ongoing changes and additions. Create VSTO add-in & installer
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Create Small Excel Xlam Add-in File With Ribbon
1) Create an xlam add-in for Excel with CustomUI xml ribbon. 2) On load, add-in checks licence.txt file for 1 of 3 values, and will display buttons on menu according to this. (“None” / “Part” / “Full”) 3) If active sheet contains a hidden sheet name = “Hsheet”, then additional button will be displayed 4) Simple macros to be created in XLAM for button clicks.
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Microsoft Office Outlook Add-in
We are looking to hire an experienced developer to write us a custom Outlook add-in that is compatible with Office 365 Outlook application and Outlook for Web. This Add-in will require integrating to several API's and posting data back to an API in our customer application.
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Building "office Excel Add-ins" To Be Posted On Office Add-ins Store
I'm looking for an expert who can build Office add-ins for excel, but without using VBA (the old fashion). The link below is showing an example of how to build these add-ins using Javascript and HTML. Once the freelancer is awarded the project, I will start providing some functions to the developer to start working on. The link is:
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Building "office Excel Add-ins" To Be Posted On Office Add-ins Store -- 2
Please don't bid unless you read the following carefully. The link below shows an example of how to build excel add-ins using JavaScript and HTML, and this is a new method for creating add-ins which is totally different than using VBA; the produced add-in will be compatible with Mac, Windows, and the web, and there will be no ".exe" file as an output. The add-in project will be uploaded to the office add-in store to be published globally. Of course,…
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Update A Addin To Work On Excel 365
Hi I have an addin I purchased many years ago to run a statistical analysis. It works earlier versions of excel before the some of the file formats changed for VBA. I would like the addin improved to be able to work in Excel 365 and current file formats. Currently i get a Run-time error '9' Subscript out of range. I developer who originally created the addin is no longer around. Happy to discuss cost and time required to achieve…
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Adds Maker
I will make add and im profectional add maker
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скрипт (макрос) Microsoft Excel или Word
Необходимо написать скрипт, который при открытии документа (excel или word) будет скачивать и запускать PuTTY - клиент для различных протоколов удалённого доступа, включая SSH, Telnet. Скачивание должно происходить с официального сайта по ссылке Процесс скачивания и запуска putty должен проходить с минимальным количеством действий от пользователя (при открытии документа и подтверждении запроса putty должен скачаться и запуститься)
Full Description of Скрипт (макрос) microsoft excel или word
Outlook And Access Integration
I have had 2 programmers build out Access for my client management system and an email automation and linking program that works with Outlook. However, both systems are having problems and I need someone with skills at the next level to fix. The syncing of appointments we note in Access are no longer happening consistently with the Add-in in Outlook and the automated emails are not happening consistently and have internal formatting problems.
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Add In Developer Needed
full stack developer with microsoft addins development experienced needed for new addin saas project. Include Addin in your bid to be considered aswell as any previous add in development work you have done.
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Create Microsoft Team Application
We need a Microsoft Teams Application that shows our hosted React JS application. There are two critical functionalities as follows: 1. Integration with Azure Active Directory 2. embedding an Azure Active Directory OAuth token in a URL redirection to the React JS application.
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