Page Speed Optimization

Increase Website Speed For Woocommerce Wordpress Website
Need to increase wordpress website speed, currently using paid versions of WP ROCKET AND IMAGIFY. PLEASE BE EXPERT AT THOSE TOOLS, AS I WOULD PREFER TO USE THOSE as we paid for them.
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Optimize A Wordpress Page For Pagespeed And Seo
Hi I have a wordpress page using a template and I need it to reach minimum 85 mobile and 90 desktop on PageSpeed Insights and A in GTmetrix and need some basic SEO (meta tags for snippets etc)
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Speed Optimization -- 3
I am looking to hire a professional to increase the speed of the website for our small lawn mowing business.
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8 Pages Optimization Project
We need to find a freelancer that will increase the Speed score for GTMetrix (A score guaranteed) and Google Insights (91+ score guaranteed) for desktop and mobile versions. No bad practices, such as the PageSpeed Tricker, can be used in order to obtain a good yet "fake/misleading speed result". The perfect score must be real and acquired without manipulating Google's or GTMetrix's score. The Optimization must be done for the site (with all current functionalities) using: - CDN settings…
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Looking For An Experienced Shopify Developer. -- 2
Both brands' mobile and computer sites needed to have a rating of 90+. The first brand website code needs to be optimized to pass the Pinterest catalog review. The second brand website needed to fix broken functionality on the website.
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Elementor Website Set Up + Speed Optimization - Long Term Engagement
Looking for a Long Term Strategic Alliance with a WordPress Development Company who can: Set up Elementor Pro on WordPress * Ensure Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Business Profile, Google Search Console, Google Optimize are set up Facebook Pixel and UTM Parameters are set up Can handle Website Speed Optimization and remove unwanted code Set up server: WP Engine and if need be WP Rocket Configure Rank Math New Freelancers will be preferred
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Speed Up Wordpress Website
We have a well know paid real estate theme - Real Home. We have set up everything but the page is either not loading or loading very slowly. We need help to speed it up. Would appreciate a quick response. We need to close this immediately. Thank you
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Increase Speed To Shopify Store
Greetings I want to increase the speed to my existing shopify store by removing unwanted/unused data, Java scripts etc.
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Wordpress Wc Optimization
We have a Wordpress Woocommerce according to file attached. We need to do a checkup and optimize it as nowadays backoffice is slow and frontoffice needs improvement.
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Website Optimization - Avada Theme - Big Trouble
IMPORTANT: I need a back-end developer. IMPORTANT: 90% of bids placed within 2 hours of posting the project are automatic. I don't hire freelancers who place automatic bids, FYI. So, the rest of you can still submit your bid. Thanks! I have a website built with Avada and it's driving me crazy: it scores between 35-45 for mobiles in PageSpeed Insights. I have Perfmatters, EWWW images with a paid plan (so, WebP images), I tried editing htaccess but nothing's working.…
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Optimise Website For Seo
I have a new website which needs to be optimised for SEO (both mobile and desktop). - Attaching Google Report which shows load speed error - Attaching Semrush report which shows all the optimization error Project Task: Resolve the above errors and increase website (desktop and mobile version) to 90+ on Google Page Speed Insights I need for regular website optimisation and ongoing tasks!
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Zlecę Przyspieszenie Strony Na Wordpress
Mam stronę na Wordpress, szablon na Divi. Używam custom font above the fold i chciałabym mocno zoptymalizować stronę. Na zdjęciu obecne wyniki. Proszę o propozycje wyceny.
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