Socket IO

Looking For A Professional React.js/redux Developer
Looking for an experienced frontend developer to develop a fully functional frontend for an app. Details will be shared during the discussion. Please share your portfolio. Skills: 1. Frontend Framework (React) 2. JS charting library (amCharts) 3. Tradingview lightweight and technical analysis charting library. 4. Experience working with REST and WebSocket APIs 5. Experience in UI/UX 6. Experience in working with real-time charts
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Android Mobile Chat Applications Using Kotlin
1)We want chat application for mobile in kotlin framework. 2) User must real time experience in kotlin, rest api, SQLite, cache,Map location concepts, file attachment 3) user well experienced in UI design for mobile if we provide psd file. 4) good experience in play store 5)good know any client application from which mobile application send me real time message 6)Ready to work with jira task basis. 7)Ready to work with hourly basis. 8)Budget for this application is 4 - 5…
Full Description of Android Mobile chat applications using kotlin
Angular Website Requires A Live Chat Function
Install an Angular chat widget to an Angular website. Widget must send the messages to the support agent. So you need to create a page where support can read the messages Frontend: Angular Backend: Nodejs
Full Description of Angular Website Requires a Live Chat function
Websocket Implementation With Ssl For Server-app Communications
We currently have and app that utilizes SSH connections using Node.js as webservice to execute calls on server backend. The limitiations of ssh over node is that only 1 cmd can be sent per connection which creates huge delays in information transmission and a horrible UE. I would like to implement websockets using SSL by way of Nginx. I would like to use the ws library for Node.js to implement websockets and cookie authentication over SSL. This will not…
Full Description of Websocket implementation with SSL for server-app communications
Deploy Twitter Streaming App On Live Web Server
Project requirements: 1) Install the following Twitter Streaming Code on my Live Webserver, and 2) make it fully workable so it streams live tweets, with the following settings: a) client file index.html in the public_html (web content root) path, and b) server file index.js in the /server subdirectory 3) The full (!) code is already available on GitHub, but needs to be adapted to work on live server. The code consists of only two files, index.js (server-side) and index.html (client-side).…
Full Description of Deploy Twitter Streaming App on live web server
Flask/django Full Stack Developer (python)
This application consists of the following information: 1. Access camera from the frontend (Done by us) 2. Send images/frames continuously from frontend to server code where it will process image (Have to implement) 3. Recieve images/frames from backend and display it back on frontend page (Have to implement) Challenges: 1. Sending and receiving should be real-time without lag 2. Socket connection should be a stable connection Please apply if you worked on a similar project before or worked with transferring…
Full Description of Flask/django Full Stack Developer (Python)
Chat Privado
Requiero para mi organización un sistema de Chat privado, el cual se accederá por medio de un navegador, la primera ocasión en que se ingrese el sistema generará un token o código QR que permita volver a la sesión desde cualquier lugar de internet. Lo segundo es que pasadas X tiempo se borren los datos. El Chat debe permitir conectarse a salas las cuales poseen un código único token o código QR para ingresar a ellas, sin administradores de ningún…
Full Description of Chat Privado
Integrate Local Sim Card Number To Web Server
Integrate Local sim card number to web server for bulk sms and 2FA verification Send SMS from app to phone. Android & IOS. Expert only no time waster.
Full Description of Integrate Local sim card number to web server
Php Chat Modifications
I have a php chat script, made as PWA script, we need to modify on it and add some member ship plans, or coins/tokens system users can buy/spend coins/tokens in chat users can send gifts (coins/tokens) in chat users can see their coins/tokens information users can send gifts to other users admin can edit/remove/modify users you can contact me for more information
Full Description of php chat modifications Refresh Chat In Live Time
REMOTE WITH TEAMVIEWER ONLY should be done from now. knowledge required : / node.js / react / hooks environment under react / node.js already connected, emit works. we need to display message when it's send from an user A to an user B in live in user B chat thanks to socket.
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Wowonder Script Update Codebase To Latest Version.
I have a lot of custom code edits and mods done on my Wowonder Script Version 3.0.4 which is currently live and being used and I need them moved to the new/latest update version. I want the update done and the custom code to remain intact. Anyone who has worked with Wowonder or experience in it will he highly considered.
Full Description of Wowonder Script Update codebase to latest version.
Move From Firebase To Socketio In Flutter
I've a ready application in flutter and its backend APIs are built on CodeIgniter. the flutter app has a section of chatting between buyer and seller depending on the product they are negotiating. The chatting part right now uses firebase and i want to move it to and MySQL. the task is very small and should be done in about 3-4 days max
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Full Stack Developer Needed
We are searching a Talent & Comfortable Full stack developer For few little work & few long term work.
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Python Based Socketio Implementation
Looking for developers who have previously worked on socketio based APIs using python and also have deep knowledge about horizontal scaling of that applications
Full Description of Python based socketio implementation
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