
Running An Extension Of Scratch 3.0 Of A Github Repo Work And Run Normally
I wanna upgrade the following GitHub Repo of an extension of Scratch 3.0 working https://github.com/naddison36/eth-scratch3 I can't make it run in docker or natively. Pls fix and provide tutorial to make it able to run (I think the code of this extension works fine and you don't need to modify the code)
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Need A Developer To Create A Boilerplate Project In Next.js
I want a developer who can create a blank Next.js project. The project will be in typescript. It should be using webpack 5 (It is provided by default by Nextjs). By deafult, nextjs supports sass. But, The project will have ant design that requires less support for theming. So the project should support both less and sass. The project should support env in both production and development build. Very simple project. Should not take more than 30minute if you know…
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Front-end Developer Needed With Expertise In Scss, Webpack, .net
I'm looking for a front-end developer to design front-end web pages using CSS, Sass and Webpack to convert Figma designs to HTML pages. The project is based on .NET framework v4.8. Experience with .NET would be a plus.
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Frontend Framework Setup For Production
we are going to start using solidjs on our project and we need to setup the following items: 1. initial test solidjs project with at least 1 test component that includes css, html, jsx code 2. webpack configuration to build user facing html/css/js code for a browser for production
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Webpack Or Browserify Esri Libraries
Hi there, I am working on a project where we need to be able to import Esri js Mapping Libraries into the page rather than importing them from a CDN. I have looked around to work out how to do it, but the two options (Webpack/Browserify) seem to be the best options, but I am unfamilar with both and need some help. The two options we have are: Esri arcgis API for Javascript - https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/release-notes/ The second is using Leaflet…
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Integrate A Front Toolkit (keenthemes.com/metronic/) Into Aws - B2b Saas
This small project is focused on integrating https://keenthemes.com/metronic/ into AWS so that we can start developing our first dashboard into our SaaS ASAP (note: the back-end of the SaaS is already operational). Our tech stack is : - Terraform architecture / Fast API / Docker - React - Python - Node.js Here are the links related to the toolkit we want to integrate: PREVIEW : https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/dashboards/ecommerce.html TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION : https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/getting-started.html
Full Description of Integrate a front toolkit (keenthemes.com/metronic/) into AWS -…
Need Help On Webpack Configuration
We need to re-build a npm package with some specific webpack configuration requirements.
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Upgrade Webpack 4 To Webpack 5
Upgrading from webpack 4 to webpack 5. Using a copy plugin that's not working. Should be a simple thing.
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Api Integration (javascript, Vue.js, Npm, Webpack)
hello, im looking for someone who can integrate this APIs: https://live-feed.sportstats.eu/docs/ on this script : https://codecanyon.net/item/stake-online-casino-gaming-platform-single-page-application/25370124 script is using ((JavaScript, Vue.js, npm, webpack)) backend is in laravel, please read codecayon site i need also some small changes on design. Who will do a good job i will give him another 5 projects on the same website/script.
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Needed React.js Ssr Expert
Hello. I have got react SSR project. If you are React.js SSR expert, please contact me with your previous works. I will explain in detail about the project in private chatting.
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Migrate Javascript Game To Reactjs Ecosystem
Hi, I am looking for an experienced react developer who could help me with a project. I need to migrate a javascript game into the react.js ecosystem. The game has detailed and precise mechanics and game logic already defined. The game consists of a gameplay area, game elements that the player manipulates, and a scoring system based on players accuracy. The main game specifics are the physics of falling objects and scoring based on that accuracy. Additional functionalities that I…
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Need 10 Angular Developer
Responsibilities:  Extensive programming experience in HTML5, CSS3, SASS or LESS, and Bootstrap, Foundation or Materialize  Excellent Javascript knowledge and programming experience with ES5/ES6 Solid understanding and development experience in Angular  Experience with Typescript  Experience with tools like Webpack, Angular CLI and/or Gulp Experience consuming REST APIs  TDD/BDD experience (Jest, Jasmine, Karma or Chai) Experience with client-side architecture and design patterns  Awareness of cross-browser compatibility issues and client-side performance considerations  Solid understanding and extensive…
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React Widget Expert
We have a React project which will be used as a widget in different pages. Required skills for this project: Parcel.js, Webpack.js, React
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програміст на часткову зайнятість/программист на частичную занятость
Мы агенство, которое фокусируется на разработке веб приложений и сайтов на основе javascript фреймворков. Ищем исполнителя для расширения команды. Требования - хорошие знания верстки (HTML, CSS, Sass, Less, styled-components) - работа со сборщиками webpack, gulp - react.js - умения написать хотя бы простое приложение с роутингом и stateless, statefull компонентами - умение работать с git (ветки и PR) - будет плюсом умение работать с другими АПИ и node.js - express Описание задачи: На данные момент нужно закончить наш менеджер задач.…
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