Database Management

Mobile App Development
I need an Android app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built. This is e - booking app based on calendar, GPS, map, mobile number OTP log in database and online payment method.
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Mongo Db Repair Issue For Open Edx Lms
Mongo DB repairing is failing with the attached error log. It is single node mongo db installed for Open Edx LMS. Mongo DB experts on db repairing and Open Edx LMS experience will be highly welcomed. Don't bid without going through the attached error log and also suggest your way for solution in your bid.
Full Description of Mongo DB repair issue for Open Edx LMS
Magento 2 Update Database Sales+tax Data And Move Data For Different Domains
I need a developer who has good knowledge of the data model of the Magento 2.4.2 CE and Magento 2.3.5p1 CE. Objective of the project is to correct sales data to get it ready for import in my newly developed Magento 2.4.2 shop. Finally put the shop into production / live by moving data between domains. See uploaded file for more details. I prefer a developer located in Europe. Please only make a bid if you have good knowledge of…
Full Description of Magento 2 update database sales+tax data and move…
Debuging The Website
i want someone to debug my website. Currently the status of website is running/Active. but it slows down while accessing website through the internet. website is based in china, but it takes much time to load even in china. i want you to look for code and enhance it's accessibility. It may be that there is something wrong with the WordPress program, because the website itself can be opened, but it is relatively slow, And the backend of the website…
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Crypto Email Database Needed
We need email database which is related on: Cryptocurrency traders,crypto investors,crypto exchanges,forex traders, Ico investors,etc. Emails should be fresh,valid and with low bounce rate Format should include: Email,name,country,etc. We will test 10k emails first. After test,we may need more emails.(100K or up)
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Looking To Hire Backend Engineer For Decentralized Social Media Project
As a Full Stack Engineer with a focus in API integration and databases at Team, you have the chance to hone your craft with the best and brightest engineers in the world. You should be equally comfortable pair programming and working autonomously, in addition to troubleshooting independently and receiving direct feedback during a code review. As a member of the platform team, you impact all aspects of the development process from ideation, design, delivery, maintenance, and operations. We all rally…
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Clerical Works
I have a data analysis task that needs to be completed within the due given time.
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It Project - Creation Of Information Portal
I'd like to copy and rebrand a Health and Safety portal containing lots of documents in various formats. I basically want to copy the data in a website and have a database like this branded for use in my own business. Containing all of the same information Enabling me to allocate user names and passwords Whilst having a management control centre to upload, update and keep information current. So the first job is copying content.
Full Description of IT Project - Creation of Information Portal
Need To Test My New Accounting System Using Different Databases
We have a new accounting system and need to do complete testing using different databases for ERP system such as SMACC, Daftra, Dafater, MADAC ERP, Alameen and Yemensoft etc... Looking for a professional freelancer reside in Saudi Arabia and must speak Arabic helps us to do that. Have a good experience doing the support and familiar with most of the mentioned ERP systems.
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Subscription Plan Issues
Free accounts remain still active after the trial period. Disable the socials sign in. (Details in PM.)
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My Dream Shop
I want an Mobile Application that work like(not alike) MY DREAM 11. In this we want some winner or lottery system(gambling) where people came and pay some amount of rupees.
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