Automated Document Creation Using Google Apps Script

$ 50.00 USD
We are looking for an experienced Google Apps Script developer to help us create an automated document from google sheets data.

The steps we want automated are as follows:

Generate a Google Document from a template document and populate it with some data from a Google sheet.

As well as inserting relevant fields there will be sections of the document that will be conditional upon the data in the Google other words sections may be included or omitted depending on the Google Sheets data.

The template document will include both text and images and again the inclusion of images will be conditional upon the data in the Google Sheet.

The workflow we want to automate is as follows.

Whenever a row gets added to a Google Sheet, automatically generate a document using this data.

Once the document is created save it as a pdf.

Save this pdf to Google Drive.

Email the pdf as an attachment to the relevant person.

Please only respond to this job if you are well versed with google apps script and have experience using it with google docs.

We anticipate that this job will be followed by more in the future so we are looking to build a long term relationship.

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