Add Extra Features To An Existing Windows App (Electron JS) Which Uses Google Maps API To Plot MySQL Addresses

$ 30.00 — 250.00 USD
We have an existing Windows based App that is working. However, we have encountered an issue that requires some basic modifications to the existing base code we already have. We have a MySQL database in the cloud containing addresses which we plot on a Google map using Google Maps API for coordinates.
Most addresses get plotted correctly but about 10% of addresses are plotted in the incorrect locations.

From reading various online forums, this issue is a common one and the best solution is to fix the address, otherwise enter coordinates manually. We are looking for a Javascript developer that is proficient in SQL, Node.js / Javascript and has utilized Google Maps API to add a solution for this issue.
We will provide access to the code and access to the SQL database in question.

For all addresses that get plotted incorrectly by the Google API (new address, incorrect address format, some other incompatibility with Google's database), we want a system that lets the user enter coordinates for those problematic addresses.

Specifically, right now, we currently have an "Address" field and a "Coordinates" field (for the Google API to populate). Here is what we want...

Add a new field called "User Coordinates". This is an optional field that the user can use to manually enter the correct coordinates when Google Maps API is unable to geocode the address correctly.

Change the logic in the code so that if there are coordinates in "User Coordinates", do not run the Google Map API for this address and, instead, copy the data in "User Coordinates" into the "Coordinates" field, which is used for the plotting and display.

3. If the "User Coordinates" is blank, run the standard Google Maps API and write the result to the "Coordinates" field in the MySQL table.

Add a new function in the App that allows the user to refresh coordinates for a a single address (for example, right click the plotted icon on the Google Map). This would be used mainly if the user wants to fix an address, for example, and re-run Google Maps API and get fresh coordinates and re-plot a single address.

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