Full Stack Developer (Express, React & Node JS)

₹ 12,500.00 — 37,500.00 INR
Role: Full-Stack Developer (Freelancer)
Type: Contract/Temporary
Location: Hyderabad (remote)
Duration: July & August (20 hrs. a week)

Qualification: Any computer science graduate
Experience: 3 yrs
Skillset: Express, React, & Node JS

- Should develop web applications using the above skillset
- Implementation of a robust set of services & APIs
- Proven experience in MySQL, & MariaDB
- Should be able to work & support the front-end team using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, etc.
- Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs

- Build reusable code, libraries, documentation for future use
- Strong knowledge of industry best practices and latest trends
- Experience in testing/debugging in several platforms/browsers
- Knowledge of Code Management Tools & Agile methodology
- Knowledge of Cloud technologies preferred (AWS/GCP, CI/CD, Jenkins, Kubernetes)
- Proactive and delivery centric approach and quick learning ability
- Self-motivated and self-learning attitude
- Should have communication & problem-solving skills

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