Create Me A Blog Using Wordpress!

$ 250.00 — 750.00 USD
I am looking for an SEO expert, who can create a website / blog using wordpress, which generates atleast $15 to $20 per day with adsense.

I will buy the domain and set up hosting for it giving you access to install and configure wordpress.
Once that done, I will open the adsense account on your request.

The site should contain the following points:

- Provide overview plan before starting the project
- Must contain related images
- Design must be neat and optimized to attract people to click on the ads (you can use templates)
- Any content except pharma, violence, gambling & adult
- Must be 100% within the Google Terms & Conditions and Adsense TOS
- Must be Adsense Optimized
- Traffic driven must be 100% white hat.
- Unique traffic.
- Should earn atleast $400 in 30 days.
- All Content MUST be original and SEO Optimized.
- All copyrights will be assigned to me in writing.
- Unique organic traffic (no bots or traffic buy sites)

You will be responsible for writing the SEO optimized content, fully configuring and updating the website until generating at least $15-$20 per day consistently.
Website should be developed using Wordpress.

First i need to see an overview plan or your idea (in brief) . the milestone amount will be released after I see constant income in my Adsense account for 20 days and the remain after 20 days when i transfer the adsense revenue.

I need Whitehat click,no bug as i can read the bug clicks.
If my adsense account get banned, you will not get the amount.

Please let me know the following details:

- Show me some of your previous website/blogs that you already created and are profitable or at least generates that amount daily.
If you are not capable to deliver such task you don't have to bid.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you guys

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