Korean Translator

Korean Children Speech Collection
Native Koreans are needed for data collection project. This projects are conducted to evaluate native accents for machine learning. The criteria are as follows: 1. Native Koreans only 2. Have good phone specifications for voice recording 3. Willing to download specific apps on mobile device that is required for voice recording. 4. Send a sample recording for pre-evaluation. Additional notes: - Native Korean children age 6-12 years old - Read 300 Korean sentences - Parents can assist their child to…
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Korean / Traducción Coreano-español -- 2
Need to translate 5 mins of video from Korean to Spanish. We need SRT subtitle format and in SPANISH. NEED IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Full Description of Korean / Traducción Coreano-Español -- 2
Korean / Traducción Coreano-español
Need to translate 5 mins of video from Korean to Spanish. We need SRT subtitle format and in SPANISH. NEED IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
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3d Golf Course Design (you Must Read And Understand Korean Without Translator)
I am looking for senior 3ds max expert who can make golf course (field) in 3d so we can use that in Unreal Engine. You must have experience with golf course design before. And you should know Korean because our investors are Korean and the spec document is written in korean. I will share the details with selected candidate. I will test if you know korean or not. Just reading & understand is required, speaking is not needed
Full Description of 3d golf course design (you must read and…
3d Golf Course Design (you Must Read And Understand Korean Without Translator) -- 2
I am looking for senior 3ds max expert who can make golf course (field) in 3d so we can use that in Unreal Engine game. You must have experience with golf course design before. And you should know Korean because our investors are Korean and the spec document is written in korean. I will share the details with selected candidate. I will test if you know korean or not. Just reading & understand is required, speaking is not needed
Full Description of 3d golf course design (you must read and…
Transcribe The File Into Korean
I have a file more than 1 hour that needs to be transcribed into Korean. Kindly bid if you could finish it as soon as possible. Thanks
Full Description of Transcribe the file into Korean
Need Korean Divorce Law Translated Into English
Need freelancers to translate Korean divorce law into English. Need both Korean original details and the translation of that.
Full Description of Need Korean divorce law translated into English
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