Chef Configuration Management

Mongodb Shards Deployment On Aws Ec2 With Ansible
Hello, I have ansible playbook that will create 3 ec2 primary secondary and arbiter in aws Second playbook will configure replica set.( currently having issues with Auth) I need help or training one on one to reuse replica set to create a playbook for shards
Full Description of Mongodb shards deployment on aws EC2 with Ansible
Estou Precisando De Um Socio Para O Projeto Tauros Rp
Olá, estou precisando de um sócio para completar a equipe de desenvolvimento da cidade Tauros RP, procuro sócio que queira investir em mais conteúdo para que a cidade fique melhor, preciso de um socio que saiba mexer com scripts, otimização, mods, mapas, config etc... para que a cidade fique melhor. Pretendo lançar até mês que vem, só preciso de uma pessoa para me ajudar, irei compensar com pagamento. Estou investindo na base todo mês, qualquer coisa entre em contato cmg…
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Chef Search
Looking for a Chef who have done hotel management and can create customise Indian recipes. Should be able to handle excel as well.
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Create A Udid .mobileconfig For Ios
I would like to have my own mobileconfig with which people can load a profile on their iOS device and thus their UDID is displayed to that person. here is an example page: you can call up the link with your iOS device then you can see what I want. I need people who know what they are doing and who are up to the challenge.
Full Description of Create a UDID .MOBILECONFIG for iOS
Vmware Expert
need sr vmware resource for few hours every week to work on vmware related tasks, including vcsa upgrades, esxi upgrades, distribution switches, help with configuration vmware with best practices.
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Devops For Pipeline - Need To Rebuilt These - Link And Details
There is hope you can give your “best” price; unemployed, and have cancer with bills backing up. My funds are low but will pay quick and leave 5 stars. Please give your best possible for your bid ? (something reasonable?) Please note there is hope we can mutually complete this task; we can leave each other nice comments and 5 stars for each? Look at feedback on my profile, feedback I left for many others. Here is the project: PLEASE…
Full Description of DevOps for pipeline - need to rebuilt these…
Estoy trabajando en el Menu, Nombre de Restaurante, Giro, Etc... El local ya lo tengo (sigue en remodelación
Full Description of Restaurante
Chef, Lambda And Aws
Need to write a lambda function to invoke chef-client and update environment file on the chef server/ chef nodes
Full Description of Chef, Lambda and AWS
Chef Script To Copy Directory In Windows
Hi , I have couple of small tasks in chef. Copy directory saving and using variable from powershell block in other resources .
Full Description of chef script to copy directory in windows
Chef Cookbook
Cookbook variables like host amenities, account name, port, select should not be controlled by the user. The user should specify a single chef attribute like appd_env and set it to prod and preprod.
Full Description of Chef cookbook
Desarrollo Formula De Caramelos (pastillas Tipo Yapa Stani)
El proyecto se basa en desarrollar la formula de las pastillas que sean apto celiacos y en lo posible veganas. Una golosina que que no se diluya fácilmente y tenga un periodo de duración Producto recomendado: azúcar de remolacha. De diferentes sabores tal como las pastillas (ejemplo yapa ex stani)
Full Description of Desarrollo formula de caramelos (pastillas tipo yapa stani)
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