
Now: Front-end Modifications For Tailwindcss Based Project
Hello, I'm looking for a front-end developer who can assist with modifications on the front-end. Shouldn't last longer then 1-2 hours. (Html & Tailwindcss only, maybe a few lines of js) Bonus if you have experience with Lottie.
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Lottie Animation Modification
Hi, this project involves editing an existing Lottie animation as well as writing JavaScript to control it - very simple and quick project for the right dev. The file you will edit is here: https://lottiefiles.com/39090-beautiful-city Thanks!
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Lottie-web Player Not Working In Angular Project V9
I am using Lottie Animation in my angular project. After integrating it according to https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-lottie it doesn't work in my angular project Strangely, it works in my local. But not in the server where it is deployed via Jenkins. The error I see in the console after deploying server is "Player is not found"
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Need Lottie Animation Designer Urgent!!!
Hello guys, I need some animation that should fit in all kind of devices. Please read carefully. please check this animation ##attached #the background with cloud, grass, houses and pins #the car animation #the 3 pins animation this is what I want exactly : Mention "icando" in your bid to get better chance to be awarded . 1. Animation should fit in all kind of screens (desktop ,laptop, ipad, mobile portrait and landscape view) ** it should visible 100% in…
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Lottie Animation Files For Website
Create Lottie animation for text and for audio gif. So that text and audio gif will be in sync. Example screenshot is provided and audio file is created. One old lottie is also here. Here is the script. “In these quiet moment between quiet and busy" Have you ever felt that there is something missing in your life, even though you have everything you could dream of? Do you ever wonder if today’s achievements are truly in accordance with your…
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Lottie Json Animation Files For Website
Create Lottie and json animation for text and for audio gif. So that text , sound and audio gif will be in sync. Example screenshot is provided and audio file is created. One old lottie is also here. Here is the script: “In these quiet moment between quiet and busy Have you ever felt that there is something missing in your life, even though you have everything you could dream of? Do you ever wonder if today’s achievements are truly…
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Lottie Json Animation Files For Website -- 2
Create Lottie and json animation for text and for audio gif. So that text , sound and audio gif will be in sync. Example screenshot is provided and audio file is created. One old lottie is also here. Here is the script: “In these quiet moment between quiet and busy Have you ever felt that there is something missing in your life, even though you have everything you could dream of? Do you ever wonder if today’s achievements are truly…
Full Description of lottie json animation files for website -- 2
Vídeos Interactivos De Los Reyes Magos Personalizados Para Cada Usuario..
Buenos días, Tenemos varias cartas dinámicas en MS Word usando como base de datos para las mismas MS Excel (escritas por los reyes magos), Buscamos que esas cartas se conviertan en vídeos interactivos en los que los reyes magos, representados por personas, además de con fondo y vestimenta propia de los mismos, las lean personalizadas para cada niño y de manera automatizada, Cada vídeo durará 2 minutos aproximadamente (lo correspondiente a una cara escrita en dina-4) y deberá poder enviarse…
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Lottie Json Animation Files For Website -- 3
Create Lottie and json animation for text and for audio gif. So that text, sound and audio gif will be in sync. Example screenshot and video is provided and audio voice over file is there. One old currently working Lottie for text is also here. Only thing missing is to have gif in sync. Here is the script: “In these quiet moment between quiet and busy Have you ever felt that there is something missing in your life, even though…
Full Description of lottie json animation files for website -- 3
Animation Files For Website
Create Lottie and json animation for text and for audio gif. So that text, sound and audio gif will be in sync. Example screenshot and video is provided and audio voice over file is there. One old currently working Lottie for text is also here. Only thing missing is to have gif in sync. And words and voice over need to come on same time and voice gif needs to be in sync. Text stile is Spartan Here is the…
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Lottie Animation
Hello, I need to transform the svg logo of my app into a lottie json file, you have need to add a very few movements to the svg character. The character have to flex his bicles
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Need Lottie Animation In Json Format
We need our logo with lottie animation in JSON format. Attaching reference video below along with required files.
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