Qualtrics Survey Platform

Looking For Bi/ba Analyst To Work On Mictostrategy Projects
Hello Professionals, I am looking for experienced BI or BA data analyst who can build nice interactive dashboards using MicroStrategy BI tool. Someone who has sound experience in finding patterns and insights from the data and then create Dossiers or interactive dashboards. I will have another project related to CLTV ( Customer Lifetime Value ) so if you have experience in that then we will go for long. Please let me know if you are fit with my requirements. Thanks…
Full Description of Looking for BI/BA Analyst to work on MictoStrategy…
Qualtrics + Javascript
Good morning, We are programming a survey on Qualtrics, and we want to include some interactive sliders/graphs on it. We are looking for someone who could help us implement this. Thanks a lot for your help!
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Qualtrics + Javascript -- 2
Good morning, We are programming a survey on Qualtrics, and we want to include some interactive sliders/graphs on it. Please see attached the file with the sketch of what we would need (!!!). We are looking for someone who could help us implement this. Thanks a lot for your help!
Full Description of Qualtrics + javascript -- 2
Google Maps And Qualtrics, Point And Polyline Application
Part of a research project investigating neighbourhoods. Looking to integrate google maps (or similar) and a point/polyline tracing function into a qualtrics survey (see image attached). The aim is to have survey participants mark their approximate residential location with a point and then outline their approximate neighbourhood using a polyline. We need an output associated with the survey: neighbourhood line coordinates and the residential point for integration into GIS. Important to have a simple interface without map labels that starts…
Full Description of Google maps and Qualtrics, point and polyline application
Javascript Code Needed (code Needs To Be Compatible With Qualtrics)
Interested in contracting with someone to program Javascript code compatible with Qualtrics (Javascript program must be able to be embedded into a survey question or block of questions in Qualtrics). The Javascript code is for a mirror tracing persistence task. In this task, a geometric shape is presented on the screen. As the user moves their mouse along the outline of the shape, the cursor moves in a mirrored direction (e.g., when the user moves the mouse up, the cursor goes down; when the mouse is moved left, the cursor goes to the right, etc.).…
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Qualtrics Questionnaire Pour Thèse
Bonjour, I am looking for a Qualtrics expert who has research background. Je cherche en urgence un expert en Qualtrics pour améliorer mon questionnaire. De préférence une personne qui a des compétences de recherches. Merci!
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Qualtrics Survey
Requiring an already created survey plus impactful reporting to be built in Qualtrics
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Google Maps And Qualtrics, Point And Polyline Application -- 2
Part of a research project investigating neighbourhoods. Looking to integrate google maps (or similar) and a point/polyline tracing function into a qualtrics survey (see image attached). The aim is to have survey participants mark their approximate residential location with a point and then outline their approximate neighbourhood using a polyline. We need an output from the map into Qualtrics: the line coordinates and a single point. Important to have a simple interface without map labels that starts with the whole…
Full Description of Google maps and Qualtrics, point and polyline application…
Segmentazione Audience / Clustering Analyis - Italian Speaker
SIamo una startup del mondo del calcio con esperienza internazionale (Amazon, Bloomberg, BCG, McKinsey). Al fine di individuare i segmenti target per l'app, stiamo partendo con una survey di 2000 respondents gestita tramite Qualtrics. Stiamo cercando un professionista con esperienza nelle analisi clustering delle ricerche di mercato che possa valutare la correttezza del questionario e che poi, dopo 7 giorni, effettui l'analisi quantitativa (clustering) che ci porti ad identificare i vari segmenti di utenza interessati all'app.
Full Description of Segmentazione audience / Clustering analyis - Italian speaker
2021 Pcm - Prep And Administer Survey
Update previous qualtrics survey for 2021 and then release survey to our panel and monitor survey responses. Only people with significant Qualtrics experience will be considered.
Full Description of 2021 PCM - Prep and Administer Survey
Quantitative Market Research Expert
Must have high level of Qualtrics experience. Qualtrics certification preferred. Need help with survey analysis and reporting. Survey design and programming not part of the SOW.
Full Description of quantitative market research expert
Segmentazione Audience / Clustering Analyis - Italian Speaker
SIamo una startup del mondo del calcio con esperienza internazionale (Amazon, Bloomberg, BCG, McKinsey). Al fine di individuare i segmenti target per l'app, stiamo partendo con una survey di 2000 respondents gestita tramite Qualtrics. Stiamo cercando un professionista con esperienza nelle analisi clustering delle ricerche di mercato che possa valutare la correttezza del questionario e che poi, dopo 7 giorni, effettui l'analisi quantitativa (clustering) che ci porti ad identificare i vari segmenti di utenza interessati all'app.
Full Description of Segmentazione audience / Clustering analyis - Italian speaker
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