
Plugin Development On Ruby On Rails/redmine
JOB TYPE-PLUG IN We are looking for a backend developer specializes on ruby on rails/redmine to work on our platform to install plug ins.
Full Description of Plugin development on Ruby on rails/Redmine
Redmine Plugin Developer.
I am looking for an experienced redmine plugin developer (ruby on rails) mandatory requirements: you have developed already complex redmine plugins. I have a bunch of plugins to develop, so this will be the first job, if successful, you will get more tasks. Success means: reliable on understanding requirements, reliable on delivery time, reliable on tested delivered code budget: please place your hourly rate Budget: i do not disclose my budget NDA will be required!!!
Full Description of redmine plugin developer.
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техническое задание на создание макроса для Redmine
Цель: Написать макрос для модуля WIKI системы Redmine. Макрос должен создавать оглавление странице, которая передается ему в параметрах. Подробное ТЗ в приложенном файле.
Full Description of Техническое задание на создание макроса для Redmine
Noyon Islam -- 2
Make sure any samples of work you provide to potential employers include a watermark or other identifying feature.
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Setup Redmine On Windows Or Centos With All Plugins Plus Domain Mapping
Dears, i would like to get your expertise to setup redmine (Open Source) on Windows or CentOS with all plugins plus Domain Mapping. Please offer your services only if you have done previous redmine installations. Once you start I need this to be done in few hours and not days. Thanks in Advance
Full Description of Setup redmine on Windows or CentOS with all…
Senior Redmine (ror) Plugin Developer
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Full Description of Senior Redmine (RoR) plugin developer
Fix "422 Invalid Form Authenticity Token." Issue In Redmine On Aws Ecs/fargate
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Full Description of Fix "422 Invalid form authenticity token." issue in…
Ruby / Ror Developer For Redmine Plugins Required
This is a paid test task for more work. in redmine are versions used to handle milestones or sprints. This versions follow a clean pattern based on a starting date + 2 weeks. So your task will be to create a plugin, which creates this versions on a specific project. In the settings of the plugin following values are configurable - select box to select a project - starting date for the first version as date input field - a…
Full Description of Ruby / RoR developer for redmine plugins required
Ruby On Rails Developer For Redmine Plugins Required
This is a paid test task for more work. in redmine are versions used to handle milestones or sprints. This versions follow a clean pattern based on a starting date + 2 weeks. So your task will be to create a plugin, which creates this versions on a specific project. In the settings of the plugin following values are configurable - select box to select a project - starting date for the first version as date input field - a…
Full Description of Ruby on Rails developer for redmine plugins required
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