
Wanted 12 Digital Sketch Vertical Web Banners ( Concept Designs)
Wanted 12 1000X1000 Size web banners Digital sketches, Concept designs 1) Acting 2) Dancing 3) Singing 4) Script writing 5) Lyric writing 6) Music composition 7) Photography 8) Videography 9) Film making 10) Marketing & Advertising 11) Beauty & Fashion 12) Graphics & Visual Arts
Full Description of wanted 12 digital sketch vertical web banners (…
Ui Design For Villa Seminyak Bali Website
This is web design for Villa Seminyak Bali. I used sketch to design this website. This design takes approximately 3 days to process.
Full Description of UI Design for Villa Seminyak Bali Website
Create User Flow In Sketch Using Pdf Document I Will Provide
I have a pdf document that has user flow already mapped out. You will simply convert what’s in the pdf into a sketch file. I will provide the existing sketch file and pdf file. Simple copy what you see in the pdf file and use the existing sketch file and recreate what you see in the pdf document into the existing sketch file using the legends. This is a quick job and you will only have 1-2 hours to do…
Full Description of Create User flow in Sketch using PDF document…
Necesito Un Diseñador De Experiencia De Usuario (ux) E Interfaz De Usuario (ui)
Necesito un diseñador de Experiencia de Usuario (UX), para el maquetado de un sistema Intranet de una agencia de Viajes. Los requerimientos a implementar se encuentra en el archivo adjunto. Cuento con un logo y paleta de colores con experiencia en diseños orientados a agilizar procesos y mejorar la experiencia del cliente. La primera etapa de este proyecto es realizar el sistema intranet, luego la pagina principal.
Full Description of Necesito un diseñador de Experiencia de Usuario (UX)…
Ui For Platform Mvp
Background: Over the last ten months, our startup was able to prove the viability of our platform business. We used no-code tools and a DIY UI / UX to reach this milestone. The next step is to build a real MVP - without no-code tools. We believe in the power of good design - that is why we are looking for someone who can accompany us and design our platform. Objective: The objective is to design the UI for the…
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User Interface / Experience Design Specialist
Somos una empresa creada hace 4 años con la misión de transformar la forma de contratación de los servicios financieros en México y Latinoamérica, esto a través de la automatización y digitalización de los procesos. Nuestra plataforma (“FinTech”) apalanca y desarrolla tecnología en Inteligencia Artificial, Computer Vision, Chatbots y Cloud Computing. Todo eso enfocado en la promoción y evaluación de crédito. Procesamos más de 100,000 usuarios mensualmente. ¡Trabajamos en conjunto con las principales instituciones financieras de México!
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Looking For A Webdesigner To Help Me With A Web App
Hello, I'm a developer looking for a designer to work with me on creating a web app related to sharks. I've already built a couple of pages and I'm looking for someone to improve the design direction and create a couple of new pages. Let me know which software you use and send a couple of examples of work you've done in the past.
Full Description of Looking for a webdesigner to help me with…
Build A Fitness App - Sdks/design/logic Already Built
I have designs in Sketch, SDKs for both native iOS/Android and logic coming from bluetooth devices. I need the app built. Messages to me must include the word "macOS" otherwise will be ignored.
Full Description of Build a fitness app - SDKs/Design/Logic already built
Require Sketch Animation Artist For Hindi Song- 4.50mins
Hi! I require a sketch animation artist for my original hindi composition - Pal. Link below: Do send some samples of your sketch animation.
Full Description of Require SKETCH ANIMATION artist for Hindi song- 4.50mins
Mobile App Ui Design
One simple UI project (divided into subtasks) with very few screens (2-3 screens) with case study documentations. Requires skill in Sketch/AdobeXD/Aftereffects. The overall tasks are easy but needs to be finished in 3 weeks (very doable for a professional).
Full Description of Mobile App UI Design
Ui Design Project -- 2
One simple UI project (divided into subtasks) with very few screens (2-3 screens) with case study documentations. Requires skill in Sketch/AdobeXD/Aftereffects. The overall tasks are easy but needs to be finished in 2 weeks (very doable for a professional). Tasks are attached.
Full Description of UI Design Project -- 2
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