Swift Package Manager

Manage Apple And Google App Store For Multiple Apps.
I have websites which I would like to embed into a PWA to publish to respective app store. Android, Apple and Huawei. App store management to be included.
Full Description of Manage Apple and Google App store for multiple…
Lead Instructor - Swift (riyadh, Sau) -- 2
We are looking for Lead Instructors who want to live a unique professional experience: teach our Swift Bootcamp abroad for 12 weeks + 2 weeks of preparation. We're looking for someone who is not only passionate about coding, but also about sharing their knowledge with the next generation of developers. The Lead Instructor is someone who has a deep understanding of programming and good development practices gathered from their educational journey and real-world experience. You need to be a strong…
Full Description of Lead Instructor - Swift (Riyadh, SAU) -- 2
Looking For Ios App Developer
Voyage is a social app that helps motorcycle riders discover the best places to ride, create and track their own custom routes, and stay up-to-date with their friends through a shared experience interface. The app will feature a sleek design and offline mapping that’s available with a 450/rs month premium subscription, as well as group creation, in-app planning, and a number of other options for utilization without a phone signal.
Full Description of Looking for IOS app developer
Need To Add Azurestorageblob To Ios Swift 5 Project
I need to add the AzureStorageBlob framework to a Swift 5 project/xCode 12 or 13. I can't seem to find the repo. This should be simple for a pro.
Full Description of Need to add AzureStorageBlob to iOS Swift 5…
Need To Add Azure Blob Storage To Xcode 13 Swift Without Cocoapod Or Carthage -- 2
I need to add a Azure Blob Storage framework to a Swift 5 project/xCode 13 beta using the package manager not CocoaPod or Carthage. If this is possible, project should be simple for a pro.
Full Description of Need to add Azure Blob Storage to xCode…
Telemedicine App
I am looking for an iOS APP like ZOC DOC https://www.zocdoc.com/ for Medical Appointments with Doctors ONLINE & Having VIDEO CALLS. Please share the best Offer or any APPS if you have made something similar to that. Thanks,
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Firebase [fcm] + Swift Coder Required.
1-1 and 1-N (group) chats are implemented. There are some revamping and bugs that need to be resolved. The bidder must have a strong experience in using Google firebase's realtime DB, implementing chats and RestFul endpoints. I will be supplying the final feedback/scope and source code to work on. Need it super fast. Deadline: 1-2 days. Budget: Max 80 USD. PS: The developer must disclose his work in the form of testflight builds for me to test his work. Only…
Full Description of Firebase [FCM] + Swift coder required.
Tengo Una Mercancia Reteniada En La Audana Principal De Maiquetia Caracas Venezuela
Busco un funcionario o que trabaje o tenga conocido en la aduna principal de maiquetia y pueda liberar dos paquetes retenido tengo el pago de impuesto la factura de compra comprobante de pago solo me falta un requisito que se explicara al selecionado la persona tiene que estar en caracas y no puedo dirigirmer hacia alla
Full Description of Tengo una mercancia reteniada en la audana principal…
Tengo Una Mercancia Reteniada En La Audana Principal De Maiquetia Caracas Venezuela -- 2
Busco un funcionario o que trabaje o tenga conocido en la aduna principal de maiquetia y pueda liberar dos paquetes retenido tengo el pago de impuesto la factura de compra comprobante de pago solo me falta un requisito que se explicara al selecionado la persona tiene que estar en caracas y no puedo dirigirmer hacia alla
Full Description of Tengo una mercancia reteniada en la audana principal…
Giph Network
Hello, we are a group of 2 designers used to work with figma and adobe xd, we evision an app/social network for connecting Giphs, super awesome! We are at a very low budget but we promise all the credit all along in the project, we are looking for programers that can work with bravo Studio, or any other software. Thanks
Full Description of Giph Network
Need Swift 5 Wrapper To Upload Blobs To Azure -- 2
Need wrapper written in Swift 5, iOS 14.1+ that can upload BLOBs to Microsoft Azure. Wrapper must be based on a Framework install NOT Pods or third party library. Framework must be able to run on Xcode 12.5 simulator and iOS devices without having to exclude architectures in build settings. The reason we are looking for new code is because our current AZSClient framework will only run if ARM64 architectures are excluded. When ARM64 is excluded, other functionality breaks while…
Full Description of Need Swift 5 wrapper to upload BLOBs to…
начни зарабатывать!
?Тебе чуть больше 12-ти ,но ты хочешь зарабатывать ?? Я помогу тебе это сделать ! Зарабатывай не выходя из дома при помощи фриланса ? Расскажу и всё подробно объясню «Что такое фриланс ?» «В чём выгода ?» в своём инстаграмм аккаунте АБСОЛЮТНО БЕСПЛАТНО : elinaggr ? А потом уже дальше решайте , нужно-ли вам делать вклад или нет ? Буду Вашим куратором на протяжении недели после покупки курса (Куратор - человек помогающий , наблюдающий за Вашими успехами, повернёт в верном…
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Swift Ui Developer Required (urgent Work)
I need someone to work on UI using SWIFTUI not with Storyboards. This is a very urgent work to be completed in 3 days. You must be very quick. Figma is available.
Full Description of SWIFT UI Developer Required (URGENT WORK)
Atención Al Cliente En Una Clínica Dental
Requiero de una persona que pueda agendar citas por llamada telefónicas en una clínica dental y pueda administrar las redes sociales...todo es online
Full Description of Atención al cliente en una clínica dental
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