Toon Boom

I Need An Animator
Looking for a Toon Boom animator to create animations for a YouTube channel.
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Experienced With Toon Boom To Teach Me Exporting
I'm a VFX artist and I do compositing for a 2d animation studio .. and it takes too long for me to ask them to export a specific layer or a mask or a part of a character .. and I've never used Toon Boom. So, I need someone with some experience in Toon Boom Harmony, to teach me (in a video call) how to export videos, PNG sequences, specific layers, masks, and parts of characters. I would prefer it…
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Looking For Toonboom Animation Artist
Looking for a Toonboom animation artist for a animation project. Interested persons please send me your quote per second
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Animatico Pequeño Guion
Necesito a alguien que hable ESPAÑOL. Tengo un guion original que estoy por producir en forma pero necesito un animatico (storyboard en movimiento) para el 15 / 12 / 21 antes de las 9 AM. Yo tengo los fondos, el guion y un diseño para basarse en cuanto a los personajes.
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Making A Short 2d Animated Movie
I am looking for 2d animators who can make a short animated movie. Script will be given by me. Work should be done from scratch to finish.
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Toon Boom Harmony Artists
Toon Boom Harmony artists Looking for Toon Boom Harmony artists to work remotely on our cartoon series for the next 3-6 months. Required experience • Animators – Toon Boom Harmony characters puppet animation • Riggers - Toon Boom Harmony rigs for puppet characters • Character Designers - Character designers who can use Toon Boom Harmony or Adobe Illustrator • Background Designers - Preference for designers Toon Boom Harmony or Adobe Illustrator All applicants need licensed software to work remotely. Good…
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Làm Video 2d Animation
Tuyển freelancer làm 2D animation theo phong cách của kênh Wolfoo Giá cao: từ $100 tới $500/một phút Yêu cầu: Làm được y hệt như ví dụ mẫu (Bằng Adobe Animate hoặc Toon Boom Harmony). Làm việc được 30-40 tiếng mỗi tuần (gần như ngang làm full-time). Biết tiếng Anh ở mức giao tiếp nhắn tin bình thường được. Nếu bạn giỏi nhưng tiếng Anh hạn chế, phải thông qua 1 người hỗ trợ thì thù lao giảm bớt…
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2d Animator Assignment, "the Same Style"
Ciao Character Animator I need someone to consult on 2D animation. I like this video. If I choose you, you must perform the test for 03 seconds, the same style for this vide as shown in the video below. After this step, we move to a new project and negotiate a price for 120 to 150 seconds. Regards, Mo
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Animated Film About Marilyn Monroe
Animated film about Marilyn Monroe 1) We need 6 2D animators - 2 for Sketching and Backgrounds, 3 for Line Art and Fills and 1 for Shadows and Effects. 2) ability to work in one of these programs: (Adobe Animate, Toon Boom Harmony, Krita, SAI, TVpaint) 3)Submit at least one 20 second animation for: Sketch and Line animators, or 3-5 photos for Backgrounds and Effects painters. [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms…
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4 Second 2d Animation
Hi everyone! I'm looking for a 4 second 2D Japanese anime style animation. I have a character design and storyboard, I'm just not very good at animating and need some help. Only message me if you have animation clips, in the Japanese style, that I can review. Thank you.
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Animação Cutout 2d
Animação cutout 2d já com storyboard feito, ilustração dos personagens e cenário /paisagem também já feitos, vetorizado e separado as camadas, tudo mastigado o trabalho é apenas de animação e sonorização, tempo de 8 minutos aproximadamente.
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2d Animation Kids
Hi we are looking for professional 2d animators for a big YouTube kids channels. Must be proficient and talented. Note: Only 2 tools allowed Adobe animate and Toon Boom. We offer $50 per minute of animation for starting. Note only Indians are allowed and no agencies please.
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