
I Need Our Dapp Fixed We Have Some Small Issues With The Code. -- 5
I basically need someone to fix the current build file which has the updates below. Or create a new react app for em so i can deploy the update via netlifly. We have a fully functional Crypto defi project. Basically we are having an issue were trust wallet & wallet connect do not appear as options to connect your wallet to the dapp or work when it was showing. The button for rewards does not work correctly and this is…
Full Description of I need our DAPP fixed we have some…
I Need A Seller For My Yarn ( Texturise ) Company
Long term project. I need some help with finding leads for texturise yarn. you will get 1500-5000 INR for every lead ( sell ). Will appreciate Indian clients. Describe how you work on it in the Bid Description.
Full Description of I need a seller for my yarn (…
Small Fixes To Existing Handlebarsjs Project
I need help as soon as possible with a project that is coded in handlebarsjs, sass, html, and yarn. I need to complete some simple 2 fixes on or before this Sunday.
Full Description of Small fixes to existing HandleBarsJS Project
Small Fixes To Existing Handlebarsjs Project
I need help as soon as possible with a project that is coded in handlebarsjs, sass, html, and yarn. I need to complete some simple 2 fixes on or before this Sunday.
Full Description of Small fixes to existing HandleBarsJS Project
Help/teach Me To Install React/gatsby Theme Via Teamviewer
I bought a theme from Themeforest called Fastland react/gatsby version but I can't seem to get it to work locally. I have installed node/yarn but can't seem to create my own landing page by selecting the "sections" I wanted. You must be able to help me do it right now.
Full Description of Help/teach me to install React/Gatsby theme via Teamviewer
Existing Adult Platform Needs Web Developer To Expand Features.
The project is for an Adult Platform that is similar to OnlyFans that is built using: NodeJS MongoDB Redis Server FFMPEG NGINX Pm2 Yarn This initial job is for looking at the current platform code and getting familiar with how everything works then talk about adding new features to the platform. Let me know if you are ok with adult content and are interested in the project. Thanks.
Full Description of Existing Adult platform needs web developer to expand…
Azure,adf, Hdi, Spark, Yarn, Flume, Kafka, Powershell Scripting.
Hi All, Looking for Support on Data Engineer role, below are the requirements Stack: Azure,ADF, HDI, spark, yarn, flume, Kafka, powershell scripting. Let me know if you have experience in it
Full Description of Azure,ADF, HDI, spark, yarn, flume, Kafka, powershell scripting.
Add Pop-up Advertisements To An App
BUDGET: INR 4500 I need you to simply add Pop-Up advertisements to an app. I have the code of the app. It is made usig Vue.js and build using Capacitor. If the job is successfully completed, you will receive plently of more projects related to the same app, such as adding new features to it.
Full Description of Add Pop-Up Advertisements to an app
Test And Add More On Javascript File Using React
test and add more on Javascript file using react , it is an assessment need to be done it is just a testing file so please get back to me as this file contain react , but the file can be run via YARN
Full Description of test and add more on Javascript file using…
I Have Errors In My Coding, I Need Someone To Troubleshoot This
Hello, I have gotten a code in Github and I want to generate images. When I tried to generate images using the code given in VSCode, there was an error. I need an IT expert to fix this for me or use TeamViewer to set up the system for me. It will be good if you know anything about NFT or the following codes https://github.com/HashLips/hashlips_art_engine
Full Description of I have errors in my coding, i need…
Need Configuration Help On Npm And Yarn To Setup A Webrtc Meeting Application
I have a project on javascript that used NPM and Yarn on it. I do not know much more about this so I need help to set up this project and it should work on a live server. This is an open-source code having working code on https://video.sebastienbiollo.com/ I need to customize it for my project.
Full Description of Need Configuration help on NPM and Yarn to…
Teach How To Fork Defi Website & Gitbook (react,web3,typescript)
***Teaching*** I want to learn*** how to fork from github, edit website and host it. support others chain like matic/fantom/avalanche/arbitrium Example: https://vikingswap.finance/ https://pantherswap.com/ https://www.goosedefi.com/ https://platinumfinance.app/ *You can just record a video to teach, but of cuz if i having problem will need your answer. *Please bid your real price, we can discuss into depth, i dont know how complicated is the process, u can try summary with me.
Full Description of Teach how to fork defi website & gitbook…
Help Running Js Project From Git Repo.
I have pulled a project from get but I am unable to get it to run. There are no errors the code I just need help getting its to run. It is s Vue.js project. Using yarn.
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Looking Individual Vuejs+nuxtjs Expert For E-commerce Vue Pwa Storefront
Hi, our running project link is doc link is https://shopware-pwa-docs.vuestorefront.io/landing/getting-started/ sandbox link is https://codesandbox.io/s/shopware-pwa-v0-9-x-forked-8t6gt?file=/shopware-pwa.config.js You need to know how all about this project how its working & how you can extend the features. Once you can demonstrate that you are ca[able will go for few more custom projects on based on shopwae vue pwa storefront. You need to show us list of thins that you can. List of task: 1. import the shop ware cms components by writing plugin…
Full Description of looking individual vuejs+nuxtjs expert for e-commerce vue pwa…
Opensea White-label
I would like to deploy OpenSean White-label solution on my own domain. we would like to implement the second option : OpenSea White Label (Repo), Intermediate Option Information are here : https://support.opensea.io/hc/en-us/articles/1500003249342-How-do-I-use-the-OpenSea-White-Label-
Full Description of OpenSea White-label
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