Apple iBooks Author

When Separated For Glory Sends You Running For Cover
I am the Author of The Flight of Kurrawurra - An Australian Odyssey that has been just released in June 2021. I am currently working on my second book. It is a non-fiction memoir that continues from the ending chapters of my first book . You will see the book cover on my first book . The second book takes you through ancient lands like Patmos Island, Greece and the Seven Church Ages of the ancient remains of the ancient…
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Edit Book From Ipad Format To Amazon Ebook
Hi guys! I have a 300-page book edited for ipad and itunes that I need to change to a format that is sellable on amazon. It is about Horse Guided Empowerment©, an innovative method for coaching with a herd of horses. I use it in my certification groups as a manual. I have three versions, Spanish, English, and German. We´d start with the English one, and then also edit the other two.
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Write A Mission / Vision Statement
I am looking for help to write a Mission and Vision Statement. Must have experience. I prefer your location to be in the United States and are a writer, author, or poet. If not, you must be able to show expressive writing and creativity. Must know Native English.
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Children's E-book For A Child Psychologist
This project is to take an already written and illustrated children's book and transform it into an E-Book. This book comes in two parts: First: The picture book itself Second: A Parent Guide Both need to be included into the same E-book. All files will be provided in a link to a Google drive. The books will be sold on: * The company website * Amazon * All other leading E-book retailers. About You - You have a proven track…
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Convert To Epub Format And Post On Apple Books
We have about 100 books about 80 pages on average that are now in PDF format and we need to convert them to ePub format and post them along with descriptions and price and publishing information to Apple Books.
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Seeking Help With Apple Pages Pagination
I have a 535-page book manuscript that I have laid out in Apple Pages using Page Layout format. I need help in automatically (not manually) placing proper page numbers in the footer of each page. I would like to send you the manuscript and have you fix it so that page numbers are generated properly. I believe my problem is that I created a new section with every page. I need someone familiar with the way Apple PAGES handles pagination…
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Book Layout Setter (apple Pages)
I need someone to set up the automatic page numbering for my book on apple pages with a turnaround time of under 12 hours.
Full Description of Book Layout setter (Apple Pages)
P.u.s.h- A Book About Persistence Until Success Happens
I need a ghost rider to write a motivational book call Push. It’s a story about pushing through until you reach your goals. I would like the book to mirror the different stages of labor (until you push out a baby) and compare that to pushing through, starting a business, or losing weight, and getting in shape.
Full Description of P.U.S.H- A book about persistence until success happens
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