3D Visualization

Développer Un Visuel (comme Ce Que L'on Retrouve Dans Les Affiches De Cinéma)
Bonjour, dans le cadre du lancement d'une marque je souhaiterais faire appel aux services d'une personne expérimentée dans le domaine des visuels et montage/retouche photo. En effet, pour nos premiers pas sur les réseaux on souhaite marquer le coup en ayant un visuel très marquant. Ce visuel devra présenter les 2 fondateurs de la marque et d'autres éléments que je vous expliquerai en privé mais surtout il devra contenir des effets/jeux de lumière et des éléments 3D via les ressources…
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Home Interior Design -- 2
I want to design interior of home 1280 sq feet in which you have to include POP, lightning, wall painting, furniture including foldable and adjustable for dining table, study table, computer table etc with showing mechanism in 3d or video....you have to consider following points. 1. Brown wooden clothes in all room already fixed. 2. White tiles already fixed in rest of the area.. 3.For balcony entrance and windows, slide glass has already installed. 4.White tiles has already installed at…
Full Description of Home Interior Design -- 2
Web Based Anatomy 3d Atlas
Im looking someone who can do 3D Anatomy Atlas web based with real picture of cadaver as reference, i want to be able to put details on my own on back page. I want to be able to plug and remove the parts of the body or slice them You can search: 3D Anatomy Atlas on App store for reference.
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Fotorealistyczne Wizualizacje Na Bazie Gotowego Modelu 3d
wykonuję projekty wnętrz, szukam grafika do wykonania wizualizacji na bazie przekazanego modelu w skp, wytyczne do wizualizacji zostaną przekazane w pliku skp, na pliku nałożone są już podstawowe tekstury, czasem potrzebne wizualizacje wysokiej jakości, a czasem poglądowe tańsze wersje, potrzebna minimum 1 opcja poprawki, najlepiej 2 poprawki do wizualizacji przykładowe projekt wnętrz na www.lewarchidekci.pl proszę o wycenę za 1 ujęcie wraz z portfolio załączam przykładowy widok modelu 3D czasem konieczne do podmiany modele sof, krzeseł, detali zgodnie wytycznymi
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Vidoe Edit
reference I ll make this like video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iz73n-B1dM when screen changes https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XMfzsG3ZgXCpE6Ii3n9oqeKmSH_6xz9V?usp=sharing subtitle templete https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aAZ7bMXbqaK1qH1uzxzpVro8SC5GOAvQ?usp=sharing Quote templete https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jhSqHi05dsHmeIhTbo3hJGkQIcPTR1N6?usp=sharing bili irsh pic for video zoon in out and voice file https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wyiBP9qzZztdMmQyDMoqHdQmV2WDUWIJ?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jhSqHi05dsHmeIhTbo3hJGkQIcPTR1N6?usp=sharing outro https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GEq0IByh80_yThTzTsU1iUwSAAcEFJP7?usp=sharing chracter you put … https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SgYZ2cM99rtX0UUG9BzUWB-2LLO6UgQ-?usp=sharing TIP:. Dancing video add intro 3~5sec
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Webapp To Display Selected 3d Models In An Attractive 3d 'shop' Layout
Rquirement = Webapp to display uploaded 3D models in an attractive 3D 'shop' layout for positive user experience, with fast loading and attractive layout. Either within Wordpress as a plugin, or as a stand alone webapp to be able to display shelves, on which GLB models can be loaded, viewed/rotated, and clicked on (to hyperlink to associated link e.g. product on a webshop) 3D Models originate from Blender, and are exported as GLB files. They are then compressed using Draco…
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Cделать фотореалистичный портрет и тело девушки
Задача сделать фотореалистичный портрет (упор на реализм лица, не мультяшность) и тело женщины блогера. С риггингом эмоций и тела для анимации в Cinema 4d. Будут крупные кадры с лицом и пальцами, поэтому нужны прорисованные детали. Наличие зубов, когда открывается рот. По возможности модель одежды как в приложенных изображениях, только блестящего серебристого цвета. Кожа должна выглядеть гладкой, молодой. Обязательно макияж и прическа как в приложенных изображениях. Маникюр также обязательно серебристого цвета формой как в приложенных изображениях. Заказчик прислал это видео как…
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Developer Needed To Build A Flask App Based On 3d Deep Learning Segmentation Model (3d Unet)
Hi, I am looking for someone proficient in Python, Flask who understands deep learning (medical 3D image segmentation) to build a Flask App using deep learning models and put it into a docker. - The models have been created using 3D Unet. - The Flask app should be able to receive 3D images as input and make the segmentation based on the AI models. - The input image can be in nifti or Dicom format (The models can only process…
Full Description of Developer needed to build a flask App based…
3d Model Product Build For Zakeke Customization Software
Looking for someone who can build 3D models for a product that can be used in Zakeke customization software. The requirements for the customization can be found here: https://zakeke.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009424734-3D-Assets-3D-Product-Configurator- There will be 1 product with multiple variation options: 1RAIL Dimpled 2RAIL Dimpled 3RAIL Dimpled 1RAIL Smooth The following elements are customizable: - Marker base (Smooth or Dimpled) - Color of the Marker Base (standard is white, black, yellow, orange BUT any Pantone color can be selected) - # of RAILS…
Full Description of 3D model product build for Zakeke customization software
Development And Enhancement Of 3d-slicer Code Using Python
Develop code in Python to enhance 3D Slicer functions 1. Capability to save new 3D image (voxel brightness) after application of scalar opacity and gradient opacity masks. In other words, those voxels that have been made transparent (zero brightness) by opacity masks should have zero values of brightness in the new saved image, and those voxels that were made % brightness form their original values will be saved with their new values. 2. We would like to have the capability…
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The Vibrant Art House
Location: KSA Space: 300 m2 Concept: The main concept of this project is reaching the most elegant and luxurious space in a modern way by mixing different materials including: different types of marbles, wood, glass, brass and other materials to enrichen the space and make it more vibrant. Designing such a place is quite challenging when there are no limitation except the limits of your own imagination. The entire space is mostly of greige and burgundy shades complemented with cold…
Full Description of The Vibrant Art House
The Vibrant Art House -- 2
Project description: Location: KSA Space: 300 m2 Concept: The main concept of this project is reaching the most elegant and luxurious space in a modern way by mixing different materials including: different types of marbles, wood, glass, brass and other materials to enrichen the space and make it more vibrant. Designing such a place is quite challenging when there are no limitation except the limits of your own imagination. The entire space is mostly of greige and burgundy shades complemented…
Full Description of The Vibrant Art House -- 2
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