Counselling and Psychotherapy

Need Onlinementors For Mentoring Platforms (relationship, Business, Career)
We are looking for counselors and trainers to conduct online motivational training programs Online. The role is a freelancing Part-time position.The Areas of Counseling are Relationship, career, Business, Education and more....
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Quiero Hablar Con Alguien Sobre Mis Pensamientos
Me gustaría hablar con alguien, sobre lo que me esta sucediendo actualmente. Quiero hablar con un psicólogo
Full Description of Quiero hablar con alguien sobre mis pensamientos
The Man Project
The Man Project will be a website and app-based platform that aims to assist men to access a range of mental health and related services. Men have historically been underrepresented when it comes to accessing various forms of support, so we have teamed up as a collective to create a one stop shop to break down the barriers and make seeking help easier. Barriers to help seeking include men’s general hesitancy to reach out, a lack of understanding of mental…
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Review A Ptsd Wellness App For Smartphones
I have recently created an application to help those with PTSD, anxiety, and mood disorders. As a sufferer of C-PTSD, DID, and dissociative fugue disorder myself, I struggled to find an app that could help me. Most of the calming apps seemed to be made for, well... calm people! This app is nearly in its first stage of review, and I would love to have psychologists and counsellors review the app to make sure it is safe for the public.…
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Psicologo Especialista En Terapia De Pareja
Hola, busco un psicólogo (nativo español) para terapia individual, tengo problemas de pareja y necesito con quien hablar. Las consultas serán o online. Puedo pagar 10 dolares por consulta
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Clinical Psychologist -- 3
I need a Clinical Psychologist to make an evaluation in the form of a report through Video consultation.
Full Description of Clinical Psychologist -- 3
Critically Evaluate The Levels Of Processing Theory In Memory And Compare It To Another Processing Based Model Of Memory. The Discussion Should Be Supported With Evidence From Published Empirical Studies
*2000Words* Critically evaluate the levels of processing theory in memory and compare it to another processing-based model of memory. The discussion should be supported with evidence from published empirical studies from the past ten years using methods such as experiments and neuropsychological studies.
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Critically Evaluate The Levels Of Processing Theory In Memory And Compare It To Another Processing Based Model Of Memory.
Critically evaluate the levels of processing theory in memory and compare it to another processing-based model of memory. The discussion should be supported with evidence from published empirical studies from the past ten years using methods such as experiments and neuropsychological studies. (2000 words)
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Psychologist Needed--- Critically Evaluate The Levels Of Processing Theory In Memory And Compare It To Another Processing Based Model Of Memory.
Critically evaluate the levels of processing theory in memory and compare it to another processing based model of memory. The discussion should be supported with evidence from published empirical studies from the past ten years using methods such as experiments and neuropsychological studies. (2000 words)
Full Description of Psychologist Needed--- Critically evaluate the levels of processing…
Maitri Psicologia Online
es un proyecto que brinda servicio de psicoterapia online a personas que se encuentran lejos de sus paises de origenes. este proiyecto se enmarca en otro mayor, que es un espacio fisico de consultorios que brinda sesiones de psicoterapia presencial
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Sport Camp/class Curiculum
Im running a youth sport camp and need a curriculum. I will be providing sports training primarily baseball.It will include eduction on social emotional development, Physical Activity and Reflection, I will provide training on wellness which includes but not limited to -Strength and Conditioning -Importance of stretching before and after workouts Attached is a camp curriculum that is simular to what I need.
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Online Psychologist(s) Wanted
Want psychologists with experience for my practice in india Any interest, please get in touch
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