Oil Painting

Oil Painting
Make an oil painting in the style of another artist. I'll send an example.
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Oil Painting -- 2
Make an oil painting in the style of another artist. I'll send an example.
Full Description of oil painting -- 2
Car Collection
My father recently retired this year and I’d like to get him a nice gift for Christmas. I’d like to get a painting of every car he’s owned since his very first car. I would like to have them all lined up, almost like in a show room, in order from his first car to his last car, which is his retirement “dream car”.
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Pichwai Painting
Need to paint the Pichwai drawing on the Wooden round pallets. pallets Size : 10 inches & 12 Inches Qty - 5 - 10 Nos Copy drawings will be Given. (Sample Attached)
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3 Dibujos A Mano
Necesito contratar una persona que me entregue 3 dibujos a mano según la explicación, parámetros e idea que daré. El artista declara que los dibujos son originales y no violan el derecho de autor se un tercero y de ser el caso me eximen de responsabilidad y me mantienen indemne de cualquier problema que surja por ello. El pago incluye la transferencia de derecho de autor. El trabajo es confidencial.
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Commission Landscape Artist For Canvas Painting In West Hollywood
We are selling a home and staging an artist area where a painting will be on an easel showcasing the city view from living room. We need a painting (oil on canvas) about 70% complete so it looks like an artist is still finishing it. Must have vibrant colors. It will be featured in all our open houses and you are welcome to feature yourself. The painter must visit the property to determine the best angle/perspective of the view. I…
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Magnolia Leaf/flower.
I'd like a local artist to paint a Magnolia leaf/flower on a 4' x 6' canvas. I have the canvas so it would be labor and supplies. I'm interested in oil painting. I took pictures of real Magnolia leaves/flowers and would like a soft rendition on the canvas
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Portrait Painting Commission
Hello - our team at MadeMay is looking for artists that can turn photos into portrait paintings for our clients.
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Professional Oil Painting
I would like to create an oil painting - the actual picture doesn’t not currently exist- I would first like to choose the setting, colors - this is a married couple - and the emotions being portrayed in their faces are crucial - similar to the photo - but not exactly
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Bring Me A Buyer For Painting
I have paintings if you can bring me customers for the paintings i will pay you your fees. Buyer out of pakistan have to pay in advance and all the shipping cost too. Cash on delivery only in pakistan. I need a man who can sell my paintings i will pay only after i get the buyer for the paintings.
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Animation Developer
Looking for a fine artist & or motion graphic artist to create art &/or VJ styled loops
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I Need An Oil Painting
An oil painting of a man and women who swims together in a swimming pool.
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