
Looking For Creative Wireframe Developers
Looking for Wireframe Developers who are creative in their thoughts for our upcoming WordPress website. People should be able to understand our requirements clearly and put that on the plan of the website. Should have experience on hands for a global website. UI is a must and Photoshop is required. Pages might vary.. from 10-15. Looking for a quick hire...
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Wireframes Needed By Mobile Graphic Designer In Ionic
We are looking for an amazing graphic designer who knows how to design using Ionic framework components. These wireframes are for a mobile app targeting people who love Ultimate Frisbee and Disc Golf. You can see all of the wireframes here - https://discgames.app/wireframes/ - I have attached several of them also. Please bid how much you anticipate this will cost and the time it would take. There are a lot of details in the drawn wireframes and we want them…
Full Description of Wireframes Needed by Mobile Graphic Designer in Ionic
Wireframes For Adobe Xd Using Ionic Design Components
Hello! We need wireframes created based on the attached sketches drawn. Wireframes need to be in Adobe XD. The audience is people who like to play Ultimate Frisbee and Disc Golf. We need to first have the designer create the header, footer, and Menu navigation - then 10 wireframes which use the template with the same header, footer, navigation. Everything is already drawn in the attached sketches, so this is a very straight forward, easy project. You MUST know Ionic…
Full Description of Wireframes for Adobe XD using Ionic design components
Wire Frame For Offerup
I would like you to create a wireframe for the whole functionality of the app Offerup
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Business Requirement Document
Need a business requirement document in 8 hours , I have the format and idea of the app, just implement in a document with some similar screens and one ppt
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Adobe Xd Designer -- 2
Need an XD designer to copy a few layouts as per the specifications. Please provide reference links to your past work to strike a meaningful conversation.
Full Description of Adobe XD Designer -- 2
Build Me A Wireframe And Design
I am working on a net worth app and need wireframes to be built and also front end design inspiration mock ups. The app helps the user understand their net worth by inputting their assets and liabilities eg bank account, mortgage, stock investments, house value, wine investments etc. I need the following wireframes: -Sign in screen - sign up page - Homepage - summary page showing net worth total (against assets and liabilities) - summary page showing your value over…
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Wireframe Website Design
Looking for someone to design wire frames for website processes. Some processes exist and some need to be designed. This is an HOURLY project so post your hourly rate. Do not post a placeholder or different amount that what you will charge per hour. This project requires freelancer's time-tracking desktop application for automatic payments.
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Hiring For Ux Designing Experts - Product Company
We are looking for UX designing experts with Smart, talented, and growth-oriented with solid design skills You should • Have designed apps end-to-end single-handedly at some point • Broad experience with UX & product design methodologies including, o Research, User Interviews o Ideation, Storytelling, o Wireframes, HiFi Prototypes, Visualization o A/B testing, Tracking, Design Iteration o Design Systems • Working with developers, understand the translation of design to code • Collaborate effectively with product and engineering managers • Effective Communication:…
Full Description of Hiring for UX designing experts - Product Company
Need A Website Design (potentially A Platform Wireframe Too)
We need someone to design a website (Landing page, Why Us page, Our Services page and Get In Touch page and sign up flows) and make it an interactive wireframe. We will initally ask you to pitch us the above. If your design is picked (we have other designers also doing this) then you will be paid on top as a successful candidate and be asked to do a wireframe for the platform which the website describes which is also…
Full Description of Need a Website Design (Potentially a platform wireframe…
Wireframe Point Of Sale System
I need someone to build a complete wireframe of a complicated point of sale system. I basically need a full blueprint of how to recreate this software.
Full Description of Wireframe point of sale system
Ux/ui Design With Research, Wireframe & Prototype
Our company has an idea to develop a mobile app with AR (Augmented Reality) feature that is used to showcase Outdoor Living & landscape design concept in live to the potential client. The app will be launched as subscription base, targeting B-to-B users, e.g. landscape designers, pool builders, decking suppliers, etc. More information of the requirement is as briefed in attachment. We would need the following scopes in your UX/UI design service:- 1. Persona research & Competitive Analysis 2. Idea…
Full Description of UX/UI Design with Research, Wireframe & Prototype
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