Designer Hand Painted Denim Jackets , Costumes Jeans , Paintings

$ 100.00 — 1,250.00 USD
Hello! I am Maryam Othman,
founder and designer of Maryam Othman Gallery ….
an Egyptian plastic artist.

I graduated from the theater and cinema décor department and is currently in the master's degree.

I started in the field of plastic art in 2014 and participated in many art exhibitions with Arabs and foreigners, and I held my first solo art exhibition 2016 .

My passion and dream is to travel to different countries to participate in different exhibitions.

I traveled to Istanbul and from there I started , My work is my talent and I wanted people to wear an international piece of art or special design and to be in their personal closets like international museums when they keep international paintings
I document this idea on jeans, whether from international paintings or ideas of my personal design.

And the idea started in April 2020.
It is the most reliable international paintings, whether abstract, expressive, or influential, and I change the shape of the piece, whether a jacket or pants from traditional clothes, this is a distinctive art work different from the Renaissance, and surely each painting has a large story that is easy to spread more than the paintings
I really love detailed designs!
I put all my heart and soul into every customs.

I always open to experiments, am ready to solve your craziest ideas and I'm not afraid of difficult art projects.

My goal in the idea of painting on jeans is that the style of people’s shape changes from the usual stereotype of fantasy or to move through the Renaissance with a different artistic work.

Or that the ideas of my different paintings spread and each person wears a piece of my own designs and that it is not repeated and its design is different .

As for me, it gives me great pleasure to communicate with people from different parts of our planet when they purchase my art paintings
Or buy a hand-painted jacket
And I believe this is all just the beginning!
My dream is to create my own fashion collection using deconstruction, hand painting, embroidery, prints and different techniques.

Pictures speak louder than words.

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