Criminal Law

Creating A Website On Using Qualitative Or Quantitative Approach To Understand Crime
The best way to understand Crime is to do research using a Qualitative Approach. Or, should I use a Quantitative Approach? Pick one and defend it in your paper. Or, Compare and Contrast the two approaches.
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Data Collection (chinese & English Speaking Freelancer Needed)
I need to collect data on various policies and laws enacted by PRC since 1979. Need official copy of document published to press and its short translation.
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Tort Laws
I need lawyers have experience in Tort laws. The job is an emergency and have to be done in three days. I'll divide the work to parts to be able to finish it on time. I will pay for the achievement parts. Every task I request to do it, you will get Canadian $ 10. (Every part contains many tasks) Firstly; Today, I'll send you some files to take a look and I'll explain you what the files are important.…
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Tort Laws 2
I need lawyers have experience in Tort laws. The job is an emergency and have to be done in three days. I'll divide the work to parts to be able to finish it on time. I will pay for the achievement parts. Every task I request to do it, you will get Canadian $ 10. (Every part contains many tasks) Firstly; Today, I'll send you some files to take a look and I'll explain you what the files are important.…
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Improve An Article On Medical Negligence
Hi. I am looking for someone who has some experience in dealing with medical negligence issues. I want to improve on a medical negligence letter. The article is 3000 words.
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I Need A Private Investigator
Hi I need the help of a private investigator to help find some information to assist a private investigation.
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Abogado En Colombia
Se busca abogado en Colombia, con conocimiento de idioma ingles para trabajo desde casa con reconocida firma de abogados ubicada en los Estados Unidos, Se requiere disponible para trabajar tiempo completo, (40 horas a la semana garantizadas)
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Abogado En Colombia
Se busca abogado en Colombia, con conocimiento de idioma ingles para trabajo desde casa con reconocida firma de abogados ubicada en los Estados Unidos, Se requiere disponible para trabajar tiempo completo, (40 horas a la semana garantizadas)
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Police Clearance Certificate
I'm an Indian national presently living in Canada. I have been worked in Doha Qatar five years from Feb 2009 to January 2014. I have had a road accident in 2011, in that accident I was driving my company's truck and an Egyptian old aged person got injured . Court has ordered to fined me Qatari rials 5000 and one month imprisonment/jail. Later they charged 4500 Qatari rials and didn't put me in jail. I worked for another one year…
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Research Paper For Race, Ethnicity And Crime,
1. Topic: Choose an entity of the Criminal Justice System (Law Enforcement, Courts or Corrections) and write a response regarding the racial disparity within this entity and what ways is it being addressed. 2. The paper will be in APA format. o Research Papers should adhere to these guidelines: Attach your work as .doc (Word) or .docx (Word07+) files. Typed, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman, black type on white background, standard 1” border (all around). Handwritten papers are not accepted.…
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United States Supreme Court Case Project
Attached is the list of requirements for the project. The case is Brown V. Davenport The reference book is Essentials of the legal environment today 5th edition 2000 words minimum
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Get Back Money From Developing Indian Company
many years ago i have paid 2000$ to an indian company to develop booking system , but they didnt do anything and did not return back money , i have contract and also receipt of payment , i need indian lawyer to get back my money.
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Law Power Point
I just need a power point about private international law Comparison between UK and UAE in any topic eg .Limited Liability Company (LLC) just 10 slides need in 2 hours
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