Employment Law

Business Paralegal
Hello, My firm, Summer Atlantic Capital, is looking for paralegal services to outline deal structures and other ad hoc projects and deals that come to the table to get everything in order to be presented to a lawyer. We are an international asset management company that bring technology companies from around the world into China through a Joint Venture, Licensing deal, or Distribution deal. With that being said we are also looking for someone who has experience in International law…
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Paralegal Service
I need a paralegal to summit a civil lawsuit for me. I live in Las Vegas and the lawsuit will be filed in a Dade CO. court. I wrote the lawsuit, but it needs to be written in the proper format and then submitted
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Legal Policy Paper On Article 9 Echr And Religion
Legal Policy Paper on Article 9 ECHR and Religion This is a real life project and not an academic paper. Legal expertise required You must be able to follow detailed instructions closely
Full Description of Legal Policy Paper on Article 9 ECHR and…
Legal Writing
I need a document re written in legal terms by a paralegal. See attached.
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Write Terms And Conditions
We need a lawyer, who is familiar about writing the contracts in English. We need to write terms and conditions in our website, we will give more information in the chat . Thank you
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Legal Help
I need assistance to response to a child support modification. I need an experienced attorney that can help guide me in my response to ensure the modification does not suceed.
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Paralegal - Law Firm
I need a virtual assistant for my law firm: Tasks include: (1) drafting emails and sending surveys to potential clients (2) organizing meetings with the clients (3) organizing files and folders (4) billing and registering hours of work (5) sending quotations and invoices
Full Description of PARALEGAL - Law firm
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