Training On Motor Cad Modelling
I am looking for a person ,Who can train me for 10 days in designing Complete Motor in 3d solidworks for 1-2hrs daily.At end I am capable of building the Complete Model by self
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Projekt Cad Dla Komór Do Mielenia Prób
Poszukuję osoby do wykonania projektu CAD dla komór do mielenia prób. Każdy element powinien być odwzorowany i opisany w jeżyku angielskim. Posiadaną czaszę wyślę do odwzorowania i zwymiarowania (nawet do rozcięcia jeżeli potrzebne). Kształt czaszy możę być zmieniony, jednakże ważne by miał płaskie dno (umożliwiające postawienie czaszy). Jako wynikowe, potrzebuję pliki w formacie CAD oraz pdf.
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design in Catia v5 part modeling, GSD, Assembly design
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Need A Expert To Design An Rc Toy Car Chassis
i have the body of the RC designed. Need an expert who is a professional mechanical engineer to design RC chassis.
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Proiect Design 2d La 3d
Avem nevoie de un model 3D pentru o statuie Buddha, opera de bază fiind prezentată mai jos. Suntem o organizație nonprofit care construiește un templu oferind multe locuri de muncă de acest gen, astfel căutăm continuu profesioniști talentați pe termen lung familiarizați cu Zbrush și alte software-uri 3d similare. Vă rugăm să ne furnizați un portofoliu care conține sculpturi relevante 3D high poly. Doar candidații selectați vor fi contactați pentru a simplifica procesul de angajare. Mulțumim
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Cad Model Simulation Testing And Cad Modification Work
There is a CAD model of experimental system which requires simulation testing to check its’ performance in mechanism fulfillment and maybe CAD modifications following the test to improve operability. Please go through the ms-word document for details carefully. Join bidding only if you are interested and can perform the desired work within time. Keywords: Fluid Dynamics, CAD, Mechanical, Simulation, Fluid Mechanics, CFD
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Mcad Enclosure Design For Pcb - Id Card In Size
i like someone or organization to design an enclosure for my ID card PCB board, the plastic enclosure should be suitable for my PCB PCB - ECAD-MCAD should fit exactly and simulation needs to be run Dustproof enclosure ready to make mould suggestion on Ecad and Mcad is welcome to prune the design and make our device as slim as possible
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3डी कार मोडेल
नमस्कार, मै, ३डी कार्टुन कार बनवाना चाहता हु. तो क्रीपिया एक्स्पिरिएंस वाले दोस्त ही बीड करे. आप ३डी मोडेल कॉई बी सॉफ्टवेरमे बना सकते है. जैसे की स्केचअप, माया, 3डीएस मेक्स, ब्लेंडर, वगेराह. धन्यवाद.
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