Album Design

Architectural Blueprints And Photo Editing
The title should describe what the article shows the reader. Do not begin the title with the word “How.” Most articles show readers how to do something. If all procedural articles began with “How,” it would be difficult to alphabetize articles.
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Fotografía Para Menu De Restaurante
Necesitamos re estructurar el menu de nuestro restaurante en Torrequebrada y lanzar nueva pagina web con servicio de comida para comer en restaurante, llevar y a domicilio. Nuestros platos son de comida casera, sandwiches, hamburguesas, pollo asado, ensaladas y toda una gama de postres. El proyecto de debe desarrollar en maximo 10 días continuos. Se requiere la entrega de las fotografias en formato jpg en alta resolución. Se estima un total de 30 fotos de platos, 15 de postres, y…
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Cover Needed For Single Release
I require the services of a graphic/visual artist to bring a track I want to release to life. The title is 'Molding Myself', sung by a black female artist and an abstract visual that alludes to the theme of womanhood and molding oneself would be first prize. Unfortunately, budget is very limited! The size of the image should be at least 2660x1140
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Logo Design
My project manager given me the opportunity to start from scratch on the company so I am looking for a logo designer
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Edit Photo Album 30-35 Sheets 12*36 Size, 250 Photos
I have around 200-250 family n baby function photos. I need to edit this to print album size 12*36 size. need around 35 sheets to be edited and prepared. Including cover pages. I'm expecting to edit like wedding album but it's baby photo. If your already have album template, it would be easier job. Expecting someone specifically from tamilnadu india for easier communication. [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]
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Video Best Editors
I need an Android app. I already have a design for it, I just need it to be built.
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Desarrollo De Catalogo De Producto
Busco equipo para desarrollar un catalogo de producto para una empresa de ropa de hogar: sábanas, toallas, colchas, etc. Necesidades: - Estudio de fotografía que pueda cubrir todas las necesidades de decoración y materiales. - Fotógrafo especializado en fotografía de producto (necesidad enseñar trabajos previos) - Estilista que cree un ambiente adecuado a la imagen que se quiere transmitir con el catálogo (montaje de habitación, decoración, baño). - Montaje del catálogo digital.
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Raw Photos Editing And Digital Album Making
There are about 200 raw photos of a ceremony, out of which about 100 photos to be edited (specially for 7-8 specific persons in which ever photos they are) to clear face marks, skin tone, over-makeup etc. to enhance facial beauty. Then a digital album is to be made. In each photo taken at naming ceremony stage, spelling correction is to be done for the word "Nameing ceremony" to "Naming ceremony".
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