Android SDK

Installing Bluestacks 5 On Windows Server 2019
Hi everyone, I need to get my BlueStacks 5 working on Windows Server 2019. A lot of freelancers has failed to do that. Server doesn't have GPU. If someone can do that please contact me.
Full Description of Installing BlueStacks 5 on Windows Server 2019
Android .aar File Integration In Existing Flutter Project (remote Only)
We have an existing flutter android app. You have to implement the android .aar file in this project. We will provide a sample project in Java android.
Full Description of Android .aar file integration in existing flutter project…
Android .aar File Integration In Existing Flutter Project (remote Only) -- 2
We have an existing flutter android app. You have to implement the android .aar file in this project. We will provide a sample project in Java android.
Full Description of Android .aar file integration in existing flutter project…
Firebase Admin Panel
I need a web application where I can access firebase and do some backend logic and update data to Firestore
Full Description of Firebase Admin Panel
Andriod/ios Developer For Jitsi App
I need an Android & iOS app for Jitsi. Should include all web functions, Sign up, Sign in, Calender etc. Experienced developers can bid. Thanks
Full Description of Andriod/iOS developer for Jitsi app
Creation Du Backend D'un Jeu Video
Bonjour, Je suis a la recherche de quelqu'un pouvant créer toute la structure backend d'un jeu vidéo mis en ligne sur 3 plateforme (Steam / Android / IOS) Le backend du jeu vidéo comprend : - L'authentification au différentes platform avec la récupération de l'ID - La connexion au server (que je possède déjà) - La création automatique d'un compte si nouvelle utilisateur sur ce server (avec ensuite sauvegarde et chargement de données) - La mise en place de l'IAP…
Full Description of Creation du backend d'un jeu video
Set Prices To Shown To Specific Users Only
Prices on APP are open for all users. I need it to be able to shown prices to specific users only. in other words, PRODUCTS should be shown to all users, but prices to be shown to authorized users only.
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Need A Flutter Expert To Convert Existing Native Android App
The app source code is available in native, which we want to migrate in flutter. Reguirements: The app size should not exceed 20MB and be platform independent. Developer should guide us how the other fantasy platforms are publishing the app in iOS and making it available for the users. We need the complete app same to same with the existing one with all existing features. Partial app will not be useful at all for us , so you can send…
Full Description of Need a flutter expert to convert existing native…
Android / Kotlin Developer - 3 Months (20-30 Hours Per Week)
Looking for Individuals only! Essentials: -Minimum 5+ years’ experience -Self-driven -Excellent written and verbal communication skills (English) -Adaptability & Flexibility, focused -Familiar in agile methodology -Quality documentation -Team management capabilities -Critical thinker with the ability to handle complex technical requirements -Respects privacy and NDA (this is critical because of sensitive information) Required qualification: -Working experience in Android SDK, Java, Kotlin, NDK, and SQLite -Experience in Unit Testing for Android Applications, firebase test lab -Experience in Android animation -Working with remote…
Full Description of Android / Kotlin Developer - 3 months (20-30…
Asop Customisation
Modifications requied - Press and hold will select all and copy not just select all - home page design change - Main Lock screen design change - add apps to the OS
Full Description of ASOP customisation
Class For Apps To Encrypt Images.
You'll create a class with determined input and output that will convert an image into another one through a cryptographic key. As a part of the project you'll instruct me on how to test the class and insert it into an app.
Full Description of Class for apps to encrypt images.
Android Expert, Reverse Engineer Apk App
We require a professional android developer with a strong understanding of android applications, customising applications and editing applications. I have a customised android application and I will need you to look into the files I have and tell me exactly what is different from these files and the normal app from play store. Must be an android expert and have a strong understanding. Must be able to reverse engineer. Must be able to start straight away
Full Description of Android expert, reverse engineer apk app
Android Expert, Hook Technology, Split Apks, Reverse Engineer.
I have a apk file without source. I believe original dev has coded api login information into base apk. this install uses 3s split apk. can provide more information on anydesk. need a professional who understands this better than me.
Full Description of android expert, hook technology, split apks, reverse engineer.
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