Architectural Visualization

3d Architecture Visualisation
We are looking for a freelancer helping us with a client project. Our client is hosting virtual events on his website and wants to show a virtual exhibition. For that we need several 3D images: - Outside view of the imaginary exhibition center with exhibition branding (either banners or big led screens). This needs to be in two versions. Same building but one urban setting (like in the demo below with some higher buildings around) and one in a rural…
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Unreal Engine Expert For Archviz Project Real State
Hello! Summary: I need a project done in UNREAL ENGINE for ARCH VIZ real state Description: Based on a given Architectural 3D model, the task is to complete the 3D model with details & furniture and render the house including all its rooms + exterior Tools: MODELING SOFTWARE + UNREAL ENGINE 4 OR 5 (It would be better if done in 5) -3D model: Attached under the name of “3d model sample.max” is the model type we will receive from…
Landscape Design 3d Visual/render
Hi, I’m a landscape designer in Perth, Western Australia, and would like a quote for the creation of 3D visuals for future projects. These projects would typically be for a front or back yard, and would need to be created from a design similar to the draft attached. Though am also keen to find out what details you would require from me. If I could also get some information around lead times and example projects that would be great! Thanks,…
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Sustainable Design And Building Simulation Analysis
Portfolio is to be backed up with the sketches of your sustainable design concepts, images of your building simulation and contain appropriate discussion and conclusions on the results of building simulation analysis carried out Task 1: Portfolio of 5 A3 sheets covers at least 1500 words Undertake advanced and independent research and critically evaluate a chosen building case study (let me know what you propose as a case study) and theoretical approach related to sustainable design. Task 2: Portfolio of…
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Architectural Drafting
The project requires a qualified draftsman with suitable experience in doing detailed architectural and structural drawings for a two - storey house addition and extension in Nedlands Western Australia. Floor plans, site plans and elevations have all been completed and submitted into council for planning approval. The original draftsman working on the project has recently become a father an is not able to complete the building drawings as required once planning approval is completed. Current drawings can be provided in…
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Ceiling Design And Lighting Solution For A 3600 Sq.ft Area
I am looking for CEILING Design and Lighting Solution for a large Reception lobby area. I will be needing 3D rendered images as well once the design is approved. I have an immediate requirement to visualise a few ceiling design and Lighting options for the space since the site is already ready to start interior work. This is time sensitive. I need this is 48 hours. Please let me know what are the requirements you need and pricing to take…
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Urgent! Draw 3 Illustrations Of Outside House
We are buildling a larger terrace, with new fencing, and also bring wall next to it. Therefore we need 3 illustrations that illustrating the finish results from three different angels.
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Details Of Designing Farm
I’ll need to someone that can design well for my project, thus the requirement is based on my idea or else can be improved. I need a details prospect and details materials in order to improve my goat farm, and I will give picture, then I’ll tell the details of what need to be done and improved but you need to list out all the materials (expected by you) for me to further this improvement of my goat farm.
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Membuat Gambar Kerja Struktur Dan Desain Rumah Termasuk 3d
kami berencana membangun rumah seluas 200m2. Rumah tersebut akan kami bangun di sebuah desa di sumatra barat. kami membutuhkan bantuan untuk pembuatan gambar kerja untuk pembangungan rumah tersebut oleh kontraktor kami di desa.
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