CV Design

Professional Cove Letter Writer
I need a professional cover letter writer to make me a good cover letter for a retail job. I can provide a resume.
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Build Me This Cv Template
Hi want a template just as the image ATTACHED. The template can be in word/powerpoint etc. as long as I am able to edit it after with my own information. Please check the image attached.
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Cover Letter/personal Statement For Graduate Scheme
I am looking for a freelancer to write multiple cover letters tailored to specific graduate schemes/job adverts.
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Professional Cxo Content/cv Drafter
Looking for professional Content drafter, who understand the corporate portfolio. Can jumbles with influential words & can draft as per persona given to him/her.
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Cv (resume) Professional
I need a professional person to re-build (design) my CV according to the best look and slandered of the CV. I WILL NOT PAY ANYTHING IF THE PERSON IS NOT SPECIALISED OR THE cv IS NOT AS IT SHOULD BE!!
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Cv Writing
looking for an expert in writing and updating CVs for someone trying to have a career shift
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Design A Cv As An Example Which I Will Provide
I have a previous CV and a sample for the new CV which will be design for you CV should be exactly similarly designed as a sample
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Re-write My Cv
I have a CV written for the UK market. I am currently applying for jobs in New Zealand. I am looking for someone to review my CV and re-write is for the New Zealand market. Preferably someone in New Zealand, or who knows the market requirements and the format that should be used.
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Career Strategist Is Needed For Cv Review And Bullet Point Writing
Hello all, I'm in need of a career strategist and resume writing coach with prior experience in the middle east and/or top companies like FAANG & MBBs to review a resume and bullet points, and possibly rewrite some of them. preferred area of expertise: Product management, tech, data science Please include your experience and final price in your bid.
Full Description of Career strategist is needed for CV review and…
Resume Design
I have my resume on word document, I need an expert to design and improve the flow of information. Executive level CV, and urgent.
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Refresh My Cv
Hi I have a CV that needs refreshed and reformatted- thanks
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