Google Data Studio

Big Query And Data Studio
I'm having set of data where it needs to be analyzed using big query and data studio
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Publicista Seo/programático
Hola! Empresa española está interesada en colaborar con una persona en Latinoamérica que tenga conocimiento o experiencia en: Publicidad programática (Como publisher/editor únicamente) Google spreadsheet: tablas y gráficos dinámicos y funciones. Data Studio básico Google Analytics Google Ad Manager (Ad Server) Conocimiento de distintos SSPs. A valorar (no imprescindible): Inglés ≥B2 Conocimiento sobre términos básicos de SEO. Disponibilidad de tiempo completo Conocimientos de HTML, CSS, Javascript básicos. (No son necesarios para programar, solo serán complemento para entender nuestro producto tecnológico). Si…
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Google Datastudio Dashboard
I need someone who have an experiance in DataStudio and dashboards. I need to implement very straightforward dashboard whcih should be dynamics, e.g. if I select nationality all the dashboard will be changed for the selected thing. also, I want the dashboard to be access for only people who have (password). Please show me your work on google datastudio to reward you the project and start working on the project. Thanks
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Data Analysis, Google Data Studio
Tell about yourself, your hobby or any other story using data - and Google sheet + Google Data Studio. The main conditions: 1) It should be as self-explaining as possible; 2) Simplicity and quality vs. error-prone complexity; 3) It should contain cross-filters; Everything done should be video recorded with explaining every step clearly.
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Google Data Studio Project
We need to create a template in Google Data Studio to include dashboards of Facebook Ads, Google Ads (search, display, video) and Spotify Ads (if possible). We need to use it with different clients, thats why we are looking for a template, not a single project.
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Cung cấp dịch vụ quản trị phòng Marketing Inhouse cho các doanh nghiệp
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Build Custom Dashboard
Hello, I am in need of a talented freelancer to both design and build out a project for me that marries the standardized data of several spreadsheets each representing a separate campaign to create a Dashboard that allows my clients to look at all of the data across the sheets at once. We will need the ability to update with new spreadsheets monthly. I was thinking Google Sheet and Google Data Studio would be the best route to build the…
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Build Digital Marketing Dashboard Using Spreadsheets
Hello, I am in need of a talented freelancer to both design and build out a project for me that marries the standardized data of several spreadsheets each representing a separate campaign to create a Dashboard that allows my clients to look at all of the data across the sheets at once. We will need the ability to update with new spreadsheets monthly. I was thinking Google Sheet and Google Data Studio would be the best route to build the…
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Live Sync With Google Contacts
Objective: LIVE SYNC with Google or outlook contacts with a VOIP system Discussions: I use about 5 desktops and 3 moblie devices that I am trying to sync contacts on my voip system. Currently use for my VOIP calls and it is synced to Google Contacts could ealiy switch to ms outlook contcts sync if it is working better Problem: Recently Google is disabling my live sync with . for last 2 months --the google error code is…
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Developer For Google Calendar Work
I have a google calendar which I use to track my day. I use 5 colors for events in it: Red- Wasted time; Blue-Productive time; Yellow-Relax time; Green-Health time and grey-unproductive time. Now I want to make a small dashboard which tells me in a week and in a month; how much time have i spent for each of the 5 colors. The data would need to be put on Google Data studio Attached file for clear details
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Developer For Google Calendar Work -- 2
I have a google calendar which I use to track my day. I use 5 colors for events in it: Red- Wasted time; Blue-Productive time; Yellow-Relax time; Green-Health time and grey-unproductive time. Now I want to make a small dashboard which tells me in a week and in a month; how much time have i spent for each of the 5 colors. The data would need to be put on Google Data studio Attached file for clear details
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Google Studio And Google Sheet Automation Expert Needed!!
Hi there, Looking for an expert on Google Studio and Google Sheet Automation. Kindly be ready with sample jobs. Only Indians needed. Thanks!!
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Data Studio Reports
Hi! I am looking for a data analyst to help me setting up different reports with data studio. I would like to compile data from Google analytics, telegram, Facebook, instagram, tik tok, youtube (organic & paid) Google ads.
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