Human Sciences

Ghostwriting Online-klausur Neurowissenschaften
Ich benötige Hilfe während einer Online-Klausur im Studiengang Psychologie im September. Wichtig wäre eine Spezialisierung von dir auf das Thema Neurowissenschaften während des Psychologie- oder Medizinstudiums denn der abzufragende Stoff geht über das Biologie-Grundwissen im Studium hinaus.
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Translate My Dissertatio Summary
I am a Ph.D candidate of Leiden University in the faculty of humanities. I need to translate my dissertation summary from English to Dutch. The attached file is the first page of the summary. The summary counts 1675 words in total. The deadline is 2 July 2021.
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Project To Research About Faith And Healing
Specifically discuss the research findings that you located that provides scientific support of the link between prayer, health, and healing. Discuss what the Bible says about the power of prayer over physical healing. In addition to godly intervention that can come through prayer, how can prayer from a psychological perspective improve one’s health? How have you seen prayer impact healing in your own life or that of a friend or family member? This paper should be 2–3 pages, double-spaced and…
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Human Resources Management Experts Required
Project title: Human Resources Management Budget: $20 Deadline 1 day Plagiarism: less than 15% Revision: multiple time if it's required
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Proofread Science Paper - Please Apply If You Have Science Background. Only Au, Uk, Usa, Canada Please
I have a 20 page science publication and I need someone to proofreaad it and make sure there are no mistakes - grammar and also the technical side - if you have that knowledge. It should not take long, it is easy to read. I need it very soon though. If you are good I will send you more work as I do these a lot. If you have knowledge of philosophy of science and evolution I will use you…
Full Description of proofread science paper - please apply if you…
High School Tutoring
Provide online help and support with education of 2, 10th grade high school students.
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Academic Paper - Need Book Review In Art And Humanities - Helping For Publication Is Must (it Is Not Only Writing)
Needs to hire 5 Freelancers We need freelancer in the field of ART and HUMANITIES subjects to write review about attached books. sample of published articles is attached freelancer should have record to publish in AHCI journal we don't need just writing because the payment will be done if the write paper (review) is published the payment terms is 20% when submit the article + 40% when revise it + 40% when in get accepted so please do not bid…
Full Description of academic paper - need book review in art…
Busco Profesores Que Puedan Enseñar Diversos Temas De Manera Online A Escolares (enseña El Tema Que Más Te Apasione) -- 4
En Prendea, la plataforma de clases en vivo para escolares más grande de América Latina, estamos buscando a profesores apasionados por su trabajo para que se unan a nuestro equipo. ¡Podrás enseñar lo que más te gusta! Puedes revisar el proceso de postulación aquí: Revisa nuestra página web aquí:
Full Description of Busco profesores que puedan enseñar diversos temas de…
Human Engagement Engineering Task
Hi, I am looking person with experience with user engagement and gamification to tweak our user engagement. We have build a system where mobile user can share his ideas, problems and comment work manuals. By sharing his thoughts webapp user can give points to user. Webapp users can also build an engagement roadmap by creating score requirements to achieve new milestone and insert reward in it. Task would be to plan out different ways engage different type of people to…
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Need A Certified Pulmonolist Lung Specialist For Content Writing
Hello all need a certified pulmonoligist with high skills in respiratory diseases to wrtite me high engaging content about a product im releasing with experience and low ourly rates , budget realy tight so im looking forxard to hear from you. Thanks
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