Music Transcription

I Need English Subtitles For My Spanish Song
Hello... I'm a passionate Spanish speaking musician and I love making songs and jingles for Children... I'm releasing my latest album that is in Spanish, and I need some lyric videos or subtitles for Videos. The songs are 3 minutes long on average and my proposal is maximum $700 for the whole project.
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Trascripciones Musicales A Sibelius 7.5
Soy violinista y amenizo eventos como cenas y bodas, me piden un sin fin de canciones nuevas cada evento y necesito que transcriban partituras musicales a formato sibelius 7.5 para yo poder modificarlas a mis necesidades y más que nada el de las pistas que necesito. Yo mando la canción original a transcribir y muchas veces la partitura o video de la partitura que más se le asemeja a la canción original. Por ejemplo: Partitura a transcribir Pista…
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Composition and production of soundtracks for short films, YouTube videos and advertising.
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Music Learning App
i want a simple app that small children can use to learn music, music notes and reading music and playing an instrument of their choice
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Filipino-english Speaker & Transcriber
We are from Speech Solution Pvt. Ltd. wants to hire 50 native Filipino-English speakers & Transcribers for our “workbench” Project. New Talents and Experts are welcome to our Filipino project for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Automatic Speech Recognition. Please check the criteria before applying for this job. 1.0 Project Call Recording: 1. Call recording by use zoom native Filipino-English speakers 2. Need a couple or partner to call each other. (Partner should be Male + Female) 3. Each…
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Looking For Wolof Transcribers
We are looking for Wolof Transcribers who are experienced in LOFT tool. You must be experienced in LOFT 1.0 or LOFT 2.0 to be considered for this project. If you are not experienced then we will try to train you but you must be a quick Lerner to adapt yourself to the project Rate mentioned is placeholder and you will be paid per audio minute of transcription.
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South Korean Transcription Project
Project overview • For each task, users will listen to an audio recording and verify if the transcription provided matches the audio and ensure that all transcription requirements are fulfilled. • Each participants needs to take and successfully pass a writing language test to access the jobs; • Read carefully all the instructions and ensure that everything is clear to start the job; • In each task users will listen to a segment of audio and they need to verify…
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Transcription Analysis On Pop Music Song
I need an expert who is good at music transcription analysis, especially on pop songs, to write a research content about 500 words.
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Convert A Lyric Book In English To Spanish
Based on the requirements by Freelancer on the job description... Firstly, I'm in need of a Spanish speaker to convert a lyric book that will be sent in English in an orderly fashion, I may also need this workbook translated to both Spanish and or Portuguese for publishing. Secondly, I require a freelancer capable of typing with Microsoft office or any word processing software, fluent in English and either Portuguese or Spanish and one who is also knowledgeable on the…
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Transcripciones Musicales
Hacemos transcripciones de música, de forma profesional, las entregamos en formato pdf, archivo editable de sibelius, también hacemos secuencias midis
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Musician/arranger For Making Midi Files
We are looking for a musician/arranger who can produce midi files for us on a regular basis (at least 1 song title per week).This always concerns existing song titles in various genres. E.g. Dutch, German, Oldies, Country and international hit chart song titles. Above all, you have to be an above-average musician who is able to play tracks as if he/she was part of the band that played the original title. It's all about the musical qualities. You don't have…
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Transcribe Sheet Music
I need a musician to transcribe (by ear) the strings part(s) from the following song: I can supply the vocal and piano sheet music (as reference) and require a MuseScore file of the strings, as performed. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
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Criar Um Midi Da Minha Música
Eu preciso da transcrição em arquivo MIIDI de uma música que eu fiz. É um instrumento apenas e sua duração é de 3 minutos.
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Piano Teacher Need Chord Sight Reading Manuscript
Staff 1 Treble clef only - Bass Clef only C always on top C C+ C6 C7 Cm7 Cm7b5 Co D7 Dm7 Dm7b5 DbM7 Co D7 Co F7 Co Ab7. Repeat in all 12 keys F on top, Bb on top Eb Ab Db Gb B E A D G Use flat (b) only notation for all accidentals. The purpose is to teach chord reading keeping melody note on top. Middle C & for octave above middle C.
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