
I Need A Ghostwriter.
I have a book prompt idea that I think is a great idea and would need someone to write the book for me. I am a college student and just don't have the motivation to write it myself. I'm looking for someone who has a talent in writing poems that have a theme related to Rupi Kar and/or r.h Sin. This book would be titles "The Last Words from a Dying God" and would be in the perspective of a…
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Need A Professional Urdu Poet To Write A Poem In Roman Urdu- Ghazal, Poem
I have few lines of writing ( its not a song , but few lines with some thoughts in pure English) in English. I need a professional poet to read my lines, and understand the context, and the theme, and write a poem in Roman Urdu. I need this poem to be in two formats- One in Ghazal format, and the second one as a simple poem. If you can write one in ENglish, then I need one poem in…
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Need A Poet To Write My Poem In Roman Urdu As A Ghazal & A Quawali
Need a Poet to write my poem in Roman Urdu as a Ghazal & a Quawali. I have the lines of poem in English, and you will have to traslate them to Hindi/Urdu, and then write them in ROman Urdu.
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Poem Writer
I want a poem writer who write a legend poem for me in half an hour theme of poem is freedom.
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Segunda Avaliação De Literatura Portuguesa Ii
A segunda avaliação da disciplina é uma breve antologia de poemas da Geração de Orpheu. Tendo em mente alguns dos sentimentos que nos habitam ao longo dessa pandemia, a proposta da avaliação é selecionar seis poemas ao todo, escritos por Mário de Sá-Carneiro, Fernando Pessoa e Almada Negreiros. Os três autores devem ser contemplados com ao menos um poema. Antecedendo os poemas escolhidos, deve vir um texto justificando as escolhas. O texto deve mencionar todos os seis poemas de alguma…
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Islamic Poem
I need 5-6 poem in total of 500 words on few subject Blessing From Allah, death, prophet muhammad, salah, hijab
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Brand Poem
I'm looking for a poet who can help express the nuance and power of a new food brand for the company I work with. I'd love to find someone who represents the audience I'm trying to reach - someone looking to align their food habits with their personal, social, and environmental values, who eventually overcomes feelings of guilt and shame associated with their ways, who's looking ahead and everyday working toward a brighter future.
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Urdu Poem To Be Written
I have the poem in English. Under the context, and write the best way you can. Keep the same theme, but feel free to write in your own poetic ways.
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I Need Poetry
I need a love poem from trustworthy person who can explain my deep feelings in there own words kindly bid according to my demands ....
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