Schematic Review

Product Experience
Hello, friends, I need friends from the UK and the US to help me make a product experience, and I need you to help me write an experience. At the same time, I also need friends from the United States and the United Kingdom to help me beautify the product pictures, thank you very much
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Project In Information Management
Implement data structures for describing tables, attributes and foreign keys (e.g. as classes or as data frames). Make one or a few test examples. Implement a “Group Value Correspondences” function. Make a start on “Select Candidate Sets”
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Html And Schema Expert
Looking to add Schema codding in my website. Please share with me if anyone are familiar with Schema and HTML.
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Türkçe Makale Yazılması sayfamız için Su arıtma cihazları satış websitemiz için Türkçe seo uyumlu makaleler yazılması H1 h2 h3 tagları kullanılarak Anahtar kelimeler özgün olarak makalede geçecek yazılar olacak Ayrıca soru cevap şeklinde içerikler olacak Schema ile soru cevaplar kullanılacak Makalelerde Website ilgili kategorilere ve ürünlere seo uyumlu özgün iç bağlantı linkleri verilecek 50 adet makale yazılması Türkçe bilenlere iş verilecek
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Product Testing -- 2
Product testing and feeback for my website 50 needed
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Esp32 Based Electronics Schematic Review
we have done prototyping for a small ESP32 based project using modules available online. We made electronics schematics for the same. Need someone to review the schematics. Prefer someone who have experience in ESP32 based IOT systems.
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Seo On My Website
Need on page SEO for our website and google Page Speed Lighthouse error, and Rich Results Test error, Schema Markup Test error etc .. Need to fix all these error ..
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Criminologist Or Sociologist Needed To Provide Comments On Articles
You must have at least a degree (preferably Masters and with experience) in Criminology or Sociology. The project is to provide peer reviews for articles on Prison Reform in Australia. You will read each article and provide simple constructive comments on how the article could be improved. Payment will be based on the number of words in each article, which varies. Comments can be brief dot points. Please quote on reading 1000 words of article length and providing a paragraph…
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Detail Document Review
This project requires a person who is very, very detail oriented...that is the only skill necessary. The activity is simple .... compare 2 drawings and find every single difference. The objective is for the two documents to be identical. All differences should be captured by screenshot and circled in red, then sent to me via the chat tool for the project. At this time, the assignment is to compare sheet S2 only. If that goes well, you will do more.…
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Detail Document Review
This project requires a person who is very, very detail oriented...that is the only skill necessary. The activity is simple .... compare 2 drawings and find every single difference. The objective is for the two documents to be identical. All differences should be captured by screenshot and circled in red, then sent to me via the chat tool for the project. At this time, the assignment is to compare sheet S2 only. If that goes well, you will do more.…
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Electronics Schematics Design Verification And Testing Fpga
Hi, I would like to hire a person for my project from china preferably (since the main purpose is to verify the design, get it manufactured, and then bring-up the board) Project Details: It's an electronic PCB board design project, the PCB includes ZYNQ FPGA, and some interfaces including PCI-E, ethernet, FMC LPC, USB. The schematics are designed based on the development kit so most of the work is copied from the development kit. Responsibilities: I am looking for a…
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Commercial Av Schematic Drawing
I need someone who knows how to use Vectorworks - ConnectCAD or has experience using AutoCAD for drawing schematics. I have the system design and know the signal flow and how everything should be wired to make the system work. I need help with putting all the equipment and connections into a readable and sharable document that installers can use to wire the system up. Experience in AV is a must.
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